15 Lesser Known Facts About Dubai

Known for its rich, exuberant, and glamorous lifestyle, Dubai is the hotspot for everything right now.

Dubai is also known as the LA of the Middle East, and looking at the luxurious lifestyle; no one can disagree. It has one of the best economic stories of the 21st century, and it has rightly made its way onto the ‘favourite destinations’ list. Created only less than 50 years ago, its extensive development has been going on ever since and doesn’t seem to stop. It is the capital of one of the seven states comprising the United Arab Emirates.

It is growing to be one of the most exciting cities in the world. It represents one of the focal points of the Middle East. Founded for its oil deposits, these days, it is being sought for its high-end real estate and luxurious tourism.

So here are 15 things you didn’t know about Dubai:

1. Dubai produces as much oil as 4.5 Olympic Swimming Pools per day

15 Lesser Known Facts About Dubai
Image Source: Quora

2. 39% of Burj Al Arab is just ‘wasted space’ as it is concentrated on the architectural vanity sizing.

Image Source: Dubai Local tours

3. Dubai is on the project of building its own amusement park called ‘Dubailand’

Image Source: Dubai Explorer

4. The Burj Khalifa can be seen from 95 km away

Image Source: Viator

5. Dubai is considered one of the safest cities in the world, with a crime rate that is nearly 0%

Image Source: Drive Foundry

6. The amount of gold that was traded in Dubai in the year 2013 weighed more than 354 elephants put together, which is nearly 2250 tons.

Image Source: Share Cafe


7. The Income Tax in Dubai is 0%

Image Source: Al Jazeera

8. 20% of the world cranes operate in Dubai because of the high expansion rate

Image Source: Arabian Business

9. The Dubai Mall has the largest indoor snow park in the world that is 3000 square meters.

Image Source: Thrillophilia

10. The Dubai Mall is the largest shopping center in the world with almost 1200 stores

Image Source: Mobile Charging Stations

11. The Above Ground Metro Station was built in just 18 months and consists of 42 stations. 

Image Source: Railway News

12. Dubai has the highest rate of population increase

Image Source: The Filipino Times

13. Dubai has a luxury car graveyard where luxury cars go to die

Image Source: The South African

14. The Palm Jumeirah is the world’s largest artificial island stretching for 5.4 km

Image Source: AZoBuild

15. The Princess Tower is the tallest residential building in the world which is 414 meters tall and has 101 levels or floors.

Image Source: The Tower Info


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