Fictions that gave away the Reality of World War 2.

What did the common man do when World War 2 erupted? What role did men and women play? How many sacrificed their lives to shield the Jews? How many Germans paid the price for the actions of the Nazis? Why did people choose to stay quiet when their neighbours were taken away? How did the partisans of different countries defy the Nazis? 

Fictions though filled with unrealistic devices have a veiled verity in them. Thousands of books have been written on the second world war that lasted for about six years ending in 1945 with Germans and Japanese surrendering to the Allies. Approximately 75 million people lost their lives in the war with the Soviet Union having the highest number of casualties. 

In the midst of all this,  these four books speak about the lives of the common man during the Second World War-


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