Mentally Disturbing Movies To Watch At Your Own Risk

The most frightening films, not necessarily the greatest or goriest. These films are the most Mentally Disturbing Movies, not the most gruesome.

Digital Spy

A film can occasionally pierce deep and open a scar in your psyche that only time can heal. Movies having a high emotional quotient linger in your thoughts long after you’ve viewed them. The following films have that extra layer of depth to really get under the skin of the audience.

You must see all of the films on this list. You might despise them, but you should still go see them. Why? Because they are certain to generate a visceral response, and any art capable of sparking thought and arousing powerful emotions is a tremendous achievement.

Here is a list of the most Mentally Disturbing Movies of all time to watch at your own risk-

1. Martyrs (2008)

It’s a rare horror picture that stays with me for days after I’ve seen it, gnawing at my subconscious. Still, Martyrs, by French director Pascal Laugier, does so thanks to a constantly shifting storyline and unflinching cruelty that is sure to upset.

Mentally Disturbing Movies To Watch At Your Own Risk
Image Source: IMDb

Martyrs starts off as a surprise, with a young girl, Lucie, escaping from a rundown facility where she has been held captive and tortured by unknown people.

After fifteen years, a fully grown but mentally troubled Lucie (the gorgeous Mylène Jampano) finally tracks down the perpetrators of her abuse and, with the help of her closest friend Anna (Morjana Alaoui), exacts retribution.

2. Requiem For A Dream (2000)

Sara, a widow who has retired, becomes obsessed with losing weight and begins taking pills. However, she develops a dependency on the drug, which has a negative impact on her mental health.

Image Source: IMDb

What’s remarkable about Darren Aronofsky’s new picture “Requiem for a Dream” is how beautifully he represents the mental states of his addicts.

When they use it, a window opens into a world where everything is in order for a brief moment. Then it closes, and life becomes a search for the money and drugs needed to reopen it. Nothing else is even close to being as intriguing.

3. Antichrist (2009)

While a married couple (Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg) are having sex in a nearby room, their infant boy slips out a window and dies. She becomes disturbed and is admitted to the hospital, but her husband, a psychiatrist, tries to help her.

He brings her to a cabin in the woods where she spent a prior summer with the boy, deciding that she needs to face her worries. She becomes further deranged once they arrive, and she begins to commit sexual violence against her husband and herself.

Image Source: List Of Deaths wiki-Fandom

Antichrist is a deftly crafted, aesthetically evocative film that features two of the most honest and courageous performances you’ll likely ever watch. It’s also dreadful, which is the crux of the matter.

4. Hereditary (2018)

Annie and the rest of her family are devastated when Annie’s mother passes away. Strange things begin to happen, as the shocking truth about Annie’s ancestry emerges.

Image Source: Roger Elbert

As the earth beneath the Graham family, and the audience, crumbles, Hereditary feels like an endless drawing out of that nauseous, frightening, falling dream sensation.

5. Nymphomaniac (2013)

Joe (played by Gainsbourg and Martin) is a self-diagnosed nymphomaniac who tells a bachelor about her romantic encounters while recovering from an assault. Joe’s promiscuous life from childhood to adulthood is chronicled in this novel, which is divided into eight chapters and published in two volumes.

The film was originally intended to be a single complete entry, but due to its length, von Trier decided to split the movie into two parts.

Image Source: IMDb

It’s a lot of fun to see. Von Trier plays with noises and visuals even before the first character appears, creating a magnificent audiovisual spectacle out of snow melting in a dark, unclean alley.

6. Funny Games (2007)

When Ann, her husband George, and their son Georgie arrive at their vacation house, they are greeted by two courteous and kind young men. They torment and torture the close-knit tribe, giving them until the next day to survive, armed with deceptively lovely grins and golf clubs.

Image Source: IMDb

Funny Game is a great torture-porn film that subtly criticizes the audience for watching it. Its actual and permanent violence is inflicted on us, not on the characters.

These Movies were the most traumatizing movies which can leave a deep impact on your mind. So it is preferred to be prepared before watching these mentally disturbing movies or be careful while watching them with family or friends.

Also Read: 10 Good Movies With Terrible Endings

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