Where does Vanilla come from? You would be shocked to know!

The next time you have vanilla ice cream, you may have to think twice about where does vanilla come from. Here is everything you need to know about where does vanilla flavouring come from.

If you start typing ‘Where does vanilla flavouring come from’ or ‘Where does vanilla come from’ into Google, your search will most likely be autocompleted. This term has seen an increase in search engine trends during the last few years, and there’s a reason for it. It all started with a viral video on social media asking people to Google the origins of vanilla flavouring. 

Where Does Vanilla Flavouring Come From?

Vanilla flavouring is manufactured using a few chemicals, including a component called Castoreum, according to the article. Beavers employ this chemical molecule to mark their territory. Castoreum is a mixture of numerous excretions, including the beaver’s urine and scat, due to its proximity to anal glands.

The particular diet of beavers, on the other hand, imparts a pleasant odour to this molecule, which is why it’s used in vanilla flavouring. Castoreum is a safe ingredient according to the US FDA, and it has been used in perfumes and meals for the past 80 years or so. It’s also a less expensive alternative to vanilla extract, which is said to be rather costly.

You would be shocked knowing Where does Vanilla come from
Image Source-Edinburg Evening News

This news became viral on the internet, prompting users to Google the story to see the findings for themselves. People have even sworn off vanilla lattes and vanilla flavouring as a result of the unexpected news. It quickly turned into a challenge, as people dared their friends to look up the subject “Where does vanilla flavouring come from” and see what they found.

Where does vanilla flavouring come from in food and drinks?

For both humans and beavers, the solution is far less interesting – but far more delightful. Vanilla flavouring in food and beverages is now almost entirely synthetic.

Vanillin is an organic component found in vanilla beans that provides vanilla extract its flavour. Synthetic vanillin is now used more frequently than natural vanillin. Guaiacol, an aromatic oil generated from guaiacum or wood creosote, or lignin, found in bark, are used to make artificial vanillin.

Let’s have a look at some of the reactions of people on Twitter-

The answer to the questions ‘Where does Vanilla Come From? And ‘Where does Vanilla Flavouring Come From? Is discussed above. Do let us know your reaction and thoughts on this in the comment section below!


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