You must have come across a situation where the parent must give a smartphone to the kid barely 3-4 years of age to make them eat food or do basic daily activities. This fortunately or unfortunately gives a moment of relaxation to the parent as toddlers seem to be engaged in some show which excites them more than the food they are consuming. What we don’t realize is how wrong and unhealthy it is for the developing minds on so many levels. This raises a crucial question: Are we raising a generation of Internet Addicts?
Kids and smartphones are irresistible. In this fast-paced world, it seems easier for the parents or the family to keep the kid busy in one way or another. This is where I think the problem starts. Toddlers find smartphones exciting and it gets too late by the time we realize that they are getting habitual and constantly need something to occupy their teeny-tiny minds with. It is not very clear what exactly is the thing about smartphones that make them this addictive or it’s the digital content they consume.
A report says that nearly one-third of children now learn to use a mobile phone or a tablet computer before they can talk. About 29% of toddlers start using gadgets with 70% mastering them completely by the time they complete their primary education. What we fail to understand in the beginning is how much screen time is good for the toddlers and how to take them out from this addiction before the condition gets out of the adult’s hand.
The human brain is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation and it affects the pace at which we perform our day-to-day activities. What could affect the mind of a toddler is the kind of content the kid is exposed to and the engaging time on the phone. The guardian needs to make sure what kind of content their child is consuming and how it is affecting them in other routine activities they do. Apart from this, the parents must limit screen time.
Using a lot of smartphones affects the toddler in learning and degrades their academic performances if not used under proper guidance. This is the developing age for their body and mind. It creates distraction and hinders the learning and growing process.
The culture of playing digital games instead of playing them on the ground is increasing day by day and children are getting confined within four walls of their homes with a digital toy in their hands. Smartphones are making kids less curious about things that are happening around them. It leaves a deep impact on the social and emotional life of the kid once they grow up.
The covid-19 pandemic ruined a lot of things and education without any doubt is among the top contenders. Pandemic made everyone sit home and sit in front of gadgets from day till night. This has badly affected the education and especially of the young students. Parents/teachers/mentors must look after the toddlers so that we can save a generation from being absolute internet addicts.
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