As the whole world is grappling with the pandemic for the last couple of months, we have got ample time to invest in ourselves while languishing at home. This is the best hour one could take himself to introspection as well as retrospection. Maybe after doing this, he comes out to be a changed person when the world leaps back to normalcy sometime in the future. In the past, especially in teenage, every one of us had trudged along the path which now looks like the one that shouldn’t have been preferred over others. Such is the realisation that comes floating to our minds these days. It’s well said, “It is never too late to start.”
Keeping this in mind to bring you the realisation of what you could have done when you were an adolescent and whatnot, TSA has come up with a set of some advice that you could give to your past self of teenage if given a chance to revisit it. And since the time machine is not yet invented, let’s use these precious words to help our juniors in family and friends.
- “Do not trust others blindly”

This is something not concealed from your eyes. Every other person in the world has felt betrayed once or manifold times. The reason is just one, “you have always turned a blind eye to the people hanging around without even trying to know to what extent they have been true”. We know, it is very hard to accept the fact that a dear one can also not to be trusted blindfolded. But to keep yourself out of a trauma lying ahead, let’s start keeping a watch on everyone close to you and learn to say ‘no’ to the people who seem to be taking advantage of you by illicit means, no matter what it costs you to do so.
- “Work on your personality”

From the early school days, you should partake in everything you get a chance for, be it your academics or extra-curricular. You may not get the idea of how useful it would be when you pass out from your school or college and creep into a professional world. Some people have plummeted despite having the capability just because they had never worked on building their personalities, skills, etc.
- “Keep fit and healthy”

Always strive to be in a fit and healthy state. When health is spoken about, do not mistake it with keeping it restricted to your physical health alone, rather it is also about your mental health, which if not taken care of can put a blight on you later in life. Try physical workouts as well as resort to some morning meditation to let mental peace prevail with you. To contend with the vultures, you need to be hale and hearty inside your mind too, and this eases a lot of burdens off your shoulder. Apart from that stay away from people who appear even the slightest of toxic to you.
- “Don’t be shy”

People who are talented but hesitate to showcase it at the right time and right place, fall under their own weight. The reason is they have been shy in putting themselves to fore all life. You should never turn away the opportunities that come to you only because you don’t have enough courage to stand presenting yourself in the crowd. The world is very mean when it comes to offering success to the right person, and then when you take a step backward fearing about others might mock you for the slightest mistake made, you will be hollowed out my friend. So, don’t fear failings and keep trying.
- “Never run after money”

Running after money and seeing no other thing in emulation to it is mere humbug. Instead, you should look out for work you love to do and can willingly stay awaken for hours to get it accomplished at any expense. Even after you attain some high position and are beset with wealth, you may not be a happy person on earth, because accumulating money in coffer might bring you only anxieties about keeping it safe in your custody. You might be wary of the time when you are stolen from your wealth and have nothing left to cherish about. This could impact your mental peace and gradually make you die slowly.
- “Chase your dream calmly”

Do have your goal ingrained in mind and eke out towards it surreptitiously without letting even your shadow know of it. This is a mantra that every successful person had embraced when he was starting from the scratch. Not everyone is your well-wisher in the vicinity. All such people try to impede you from growing, and as a result, the belligerent of you is relinquished.
- “Respect your parents”

This is the most left away thing that people are accustomed to in the present generation. We grow, succeed and die with worldly things but forget to acknowledge all the pain our parents took to raise us so that we could lead a prosperous life ahead. Please do bow to your parents when you set off to start something new, you never know that you return with laurels they will be there awaiting you with a smile. Count yourself lucky you have your parents by side, not many are that fortunate.