Aligarh Muslim University, Roboclub stands out in the market place for their leading innovation. Their sheer commitment to #atmanirbhar Bharat leads to the inventions and showed impeccable dedication which made the Alma-Mater proud. Irrespective of the variegated involvement, AMU students kept their focus rooted in the deliverance of different ideas and services.
AMU students ideology is centered around the core establishment of Sir Syed’s vision which is, keep prospering. In lieu of this, on 8 august 2016 AMU engineering students left their impression in London after inventing the Formula Racecar. Their invention was judged on efficiency and on production cost which ranked them 31stin the world. Henceforth, their exceptional orientation towards their working values makes the best of their reputation in the world.

Recently, when the world has been Romanticising over the sudden stop of human movement, AMU mined up with another innovator. Two Physics graduates, Harshul Gupta, and Aman Gupta developed a “Touchless Sanitizer Dispensing Machine” under the felicitation of #AMURoboclub. They were inspired by the concept of self-independent India #AtmaNirbharBharat.
With that, the Atma-Nirbhar Bharat and #covid19 lockdown worked as a catalyst to numerous innovating inclined mindset. Therefore, Harshul and Aman Gupta delivered a low cost, robust, low power, portable, and indigenous novel coronavirus dispenser. Their expansive personal experience invented the need of an hour.
Furthermore, the mechanization of the dispenser is adjusted with the range of user demand with respect to the pumping per cycle. Besides, the makers have fixed the warranty period and the capacity which is 500ml.
Therefore, the culture of designing, workmanship, craftsmanship addition to performances, and services proved AMU flag-bearer of Atma-Nirbhar Bharat. Not only this, but students of AMU keeping the serenity of being productive in a complex world also showed innovation resides in the situation.