Armin Navabi an Atheist Activist Calls Hindu Goddess Kali by a Derogatory Name; Complained Filed by a VHP Leader

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Iranian-Canadian Author Armin Navabi, an Atheist well known for his Anti-Religion Campaigns, now has posted offending comments on Hindu Goddess Kali which has deliberately hurt sentiments of Hindus and the followers of Ma Kali. Vishwa Hindu Parishad Chief Vinod Bansal on Friday filed a complaint with the Delhi Police and Mumbai Police against Twitter of India for allowing him to post such an offending post.

Armin Navabi
Okay! I’m in love with Hindusim. I never knew you had sexy goddesses like these. Why would anyone pick any other religion? Source:

Navabi, the founder of the Atheist Republic has publicized the picture a Goddess Kali on Twitter on Thursday with the caption, “Okay! I’m in love with Hinduism. I never knew you had sexy goddesses like these. Why would anyone pick any other religion?”.
The VHP leader Tweeted slamming Twitter for allowing “such posts” and “not taking action” against such account holders. In his Tweet, that included a photo of the complaint, the leader tagged the accounts of both the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Bansal’s complaint stated that “He used derogatory words with posting image of Goddess Kali which deeply hurts my religious sentiments…. His posting on the Twitter account is not acceptable at all as his posting has deeply hurt Hindus spiritual sentiments around the world including Hindus residing in India,”
“We request you to arrange to book Twitter India for allowing such posts and not taking action against such account holders. Also, Twitter must have a policy of filtering the messages which are against religion and a state,” the latter part of the complaint read.
According to VHP Chief, the intention behind the post was to create unrest in the society as well as to disturb peace and harmony OF THE HINDUS. He states his complaint “The image he has posted is published on Twitter, a social media platform and hence the officers of Twitter are equally liable for punishment of the above-mentioned provisions.”

His post provoked several reactions, including one from the Actor Kangana Ranaut‘s official Twitter handle. Navabi henceforth posted responses to the reactions, asserting, “How is ‘sexy’ an insult?”
Many demanded to ban his account.

A few days earlier, Navabi has posted a video in which he tore the pages of the Holy Quran and spitting on it. He started a Twitter video campaign with the hashtag #DesecrateTheQuran which garnered supports from many anti-Islamists and Atheists.


Navabi is one such name who is known the most for his acts in defaming religions and blasphemous posts. He is author of the book named Why There Is No God.

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