TV actor Gaurav Chopra’s parents have tested positive for corona. He recently took social media asking for plasma donation for AB+ blood group later informing that it was for his father. Both his parents are admitted in the same hospital in Delhi.
“This is a very tough time for our family and normally, I would not have spoken about it because it is personal but I feel that it is important to make people aware of how coronavirus spreads.” said Gaurav
“My mother has been battling advanced stage pancreatic cancer for the past three years. Almost miraculously, she emerged stronger from it, and was doing okay. However, over the past few months, she had not been keeping well and was hospitalized. My father was looking after her in the hospital. And then, she tested positive for COVID-19. A few days later, my dad, too, tested positive. My brother, who has been looking after my parents, is also undergoing tests now.” he added.
Watching the suffering of Covid so closely, Gaurav urged people to take precautions “Both my parents are now battling the disease. I would like to tell people that no matter how much you feel like stepping out, please don’t. And in case you must, please practice social distancing. It’s important to take precautions, because you can get infected in multiple ways.”
“I have not travelled to Delhi, because my family has asked me to wait till my brother’s COVID-19 test results come. Since we will be staying in the same house, they fear that I will also get exposed. For now, I am managing everything from here. But, my bags are packed and I am ready to leave any time.” He said
Gaurav received help from the government’s helpdesk recently. He took Twitter to thank people for support
To everyone who has gone out of their way to help me at an odd hour , and continue to do so , a BIG BIG THANK YOU ! We re getting the plasma and hopefully this shall help in getting my father to be better. I shall always be indebted…🙏🙏🙏
— Gaurav Chopra (@gauravchopraa) August 12, 2020
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