A few years ago, when people considered Telegram exclusively as an excellent messenger with a good security system, no one could imagine that everyone from bloggers to entrepreneurs would concentrate here. The resource has changed significantly, and now you have a chance to become a creator of a popular channel, improve your social credibility and even earn extra money. But the path to fame is thorny – you’ll have to put a lot of effort and time to achieve it.
As you know, users visit TG regularly – someone chats here with friends and family, someone reads the latest news, and someone creates content. If you want to be one of the creators, we have good news: most often it is enough to invest in promotion correctly and use effective ways to attract an audience to achieve online goals. Today we’ll share 3 of the most relevant and working ways that you should know about. Having this information, it will be much easier for you to strengthen your positions on the platform and become competitive.
Table of Contents
Paid PR services for your channel
The advertising services market has stepped forward – now you can buy literally everything you need to create a great page that will attract the attention of thousands of users. Contrary to myths, there is nothing wrong with using third-party help, it is normal, and moreover, it is useful. You don’t risk anything if you buy authentic Telegram channel members, these are real and active users who start following your creativity (or the company) for a certain bonus from the company. In other words, you form a community inside your channel in advance, thereby attracting more potential readers.
The larger your audience, the more reliable and interesting your page looks in the eyes of the audience – they trust those who already have a large fanbase, this is an indicator of your value. Therefore, in order to stand out from the crowd and become more competitive, you only need to invest little by little. Such purchases won’t hit your wallet, but you’ll be confident and calm for your further progress; you’ll already have a base on which you can rely. Try it!
Share your page
What could be more important than the support of friends, acquaintances and family? Tell them about your endeavours in various chats where you’re as active as possible – tell them what kind of channel you’ve created, what content you’ll publish and how they can support you. Write a short text and share it with your friends, ask them to send messages to their friends and follow. Also, if you’re a member of thematic chats, use this and share a link with them.
If you have accounts on other platforms, use them too. Add a link to your new page in the profile headers and tell them about it in a new publication or Story (Instagram). This way you will attract a number of new loyal readers who will support your posts with reactions and comments.
Add subs from your contact list
The developers of the app allow the creators to add members to the channels themselves – this is very convenient. Subscribers will appear automatically and will see your updates. But keep in mind that this function has limitations, you can add no more than 200 people, but even this number of readers will allow you to feel more confident. This is what you need at the initial stage!