Jeff Bezos happy losing this one customer as he continues to support “Black Lives Matter”

Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos made an e-mail ID public of an unhappy customer who writes to him in the response of the latest Amazon’s banner quoting “Black Lives Matter”. This email by a person named Dave was laced with hatred against black Americans,

Bezos and other Amazon executives have been very vocal about the ongoing situation breeding hatred in America with the incident that took a Black American George Floyd’s life in Minneapolis town.

This 56-years-old man took to Instagram on Sunday to show the kind of hatred he has been receiving since days, as the email writes, “You obviously are not an idiot or you wouldn’t have the financial success that you have had. I was placing an order with your company when I discovered your statement of support for Black Lives Matter.”

“I cancelled my order and I know for a fact I won’t be the one only one.”, the email continued.

Jeff Bezos

in the response of this sickening email received posted a picture with a caption on Twitter, that read, “There have been a number of sickening but not surprising responses in my inbox since my last post. This sort of hate shouldn’t be allowed to hide in the shadows. It’s important to make it visible. This is just one example of the problem.”

In response to Dave and other customers like him, who might have probably cancelled their orders in retaliation he said, “And, Dave, you’re the kind of customer I’m happy to lose.”

On 30th May Bezos took to Instagram condemning the brutality on Blacks in America as he wrote, “The pain and emotional trauma caused by the racism and violence we are witnessing towards the black community has a long reach.”

Soon after the company announced plans to donate $10 million to an organization supporting justice and equity, including the NAACP and the National Urban League


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