Nagarhole National Park, arranged in the locale of Mysore and Kodagu, was named after a winding stream that runs eastwards through its inside. Home to an assortment of wild creatures, it is situated toward the northwest of Bandipur National Park, with Kabini store isolating the two. Grand creatures living in this outlandish wild have quite a while ago captivated individuals from around the world. Online networking has been buzzing throughout the previous barely any days with pictures of a royal dark puma – Saya, no not exactly a change conscience of The Jungle Book’s Bagheera. The dark hide with the enamouring eyes have set off a mumble among netizens. Think about the sort of difficult work, steadiness and tirelessness one would need to catch a second so impeccable. Behind the camera that caught Saya is the Leopard Man of India – Shaaz Jung.
An expert untamed life photographic artist, cinematographer and enormous feline master, Shaaz’s association with the wilds of India is decades old. Shaaz has a place with the regal group of Central India – known for its stunning widely varied vegetation. Shaaz contemplated Economics and Law, however, decided to seek after his youth energy for untamed life. He went through his years capturing and contemplating untamed life, particularly panthers. Shaaz has built up eco-accommodating natural life camps in South India and East Africa. Having spent the most recent decade managing safaris, Shaaz now has some expertise in recording melanistic panthers. Conversing with a news agency, Shaaz opens up about his life and involvement with the wilds.
“I was born in 1988 and my parents started their first wildlife lodge in the same year. I journeyed through the 1990s with them in the jungles. I was exposed to the wildlife as a child and I fell in love with the mystery intertwined with the tangled vegetation, the thick bushes, the wild cats and the melodious birds,” says Shaaz. The Tale Of Saya The Black Panther. “He who holds the two crescent moons, the shadow that summons light, darkness nears but the stars must wait, for he becomes the night.” Shaaz’s Instagram posts on Saya, with breathtaking inscriptions portraying the illustrious dark puma, have been praised by all.

The 2 moons
“The panther has been in Kabini in Nagarhole for the last five years. He was first spotted in 2015,” Shaaz says. The photos that are turning into a web sensation were taken by Shaaz between the finish of 2017 and January 2020, while he was coordinating a National Geographic element film called The Rare Black Panther. Shaaz and his group had a recording and exploration grant to go inside the recreation centre and assemble film of him. “I have spent nearly every day of the last two and a half years trying to shoot the panther, and I would be happy if I saw him once a week. One good picture a month would mean a lot to me,” Shaaz says. “would be in a vehicle – me, a forest guard and the driver. The thrill is baffling. It’s not just the sightings but also the fact that you learn a lot about animal behaviour. These animals would never attack you because they respect you and they understand the balance of nature. They are unlike us humans, who want to go out there and hunt everything,” he includes.
Photos of the dark jaguar have overwhelmed the web. An image, in any case, is significantly more than simply the snapping of a camera and a lustrous print-out. It includes long periods of persistence, a solid determination and consistent constancy. “A Sighting Never Repeats Itself” The timberland is a huge territory, a puzzling labyrinth that is obscure and undisclosed. It is a trap of tree spread, coverings, awning and wild brutes. “Yet, that is the magnificence of the woodland,” says Shaaz. “It resembles a riddle.
You never know precisely where to sit tight for that ideal shot, so you go through days in the wild attempting to set up the riddles. The day you can do it, you are compensated – the prize being a significant second caught.” “The excellence of natural life photography is that you need to go out there and pursue your subject. It’s not promptly accessible, and no measure of hardware or cash can get you that locating. A great deal of it relies upon being at the correct spot at the ideal time. The eminence is that a locating never rehash itself. You get it just a single time. So when you get an image, it resembles you’re deifying a second in time. It’s mind-blowing,” he includes.

Discussing essential encounters in the backwoods, Shaaz discusses this specific panther, which is around 10 years old now, with whom he started his excursion into nature. He says that each time he recognizes the panther, it brings back recollections of the best occasions he has spent in the wilderness. “Albeit a major feline master, I have gone through hours watching elephants and I accept that people have a long way to go from them. They are the most perfect and socially complex creatures. They are so astute, it’s so delightful to watch them and the elements in the crowd. Individuals would normally stop for a couple of moments to take a gander at them and afterwards drive away, however, what I have discovered is that in the event that you invest energy with a crowd of elephants, you will figure out how to appreciate that they have a progressive system and how each has their obligation,” Shaaz says. Kerala Elephant Incident – A Result Of Increasing Man-Animal Conflict “many individuals neglect the likelihood that the following greatest issue the nation and its natural life may confront is man-creature strife.
The woodlands are contracting. What’s going on is that whatever couple of woods that have been told as tiger holds are all around secured. Presently these parks, because of good administration, are seeing the number of inhabitants in creatures like elephants, tigers, panthers expanding,” Shaaz clarifies. “These are transitory and regional creatures that need to move. Be that as it may, with contracting woodlands and disintegrated passages, where are they going to go?” he includes.
Shaaz says that the rising populace of creatures combined with contracting woodlands is a significant issue that should be tended to, as the creatures have no alternative yet to travel through urban areas and towns. “To help moderate these issues, the administration needs to pass new laws and get rid of the old draconian laws,” he says. “Also, it must be done while understanding and regarding local people.” Saying that the Kerala elephant episode, where a pregnant elephant passed on in the wake of eating a pineapple loaded down with saltines, is very disastrous, Shaaz clarifies that it is an aftereffect of the expanding man-creature strife, and occurrences like these will possibly raise on the off chance that they are not tended to the present moment.
“It is exceptionally simple to censure local people for being furious with the natural life, however, we need to comprehend that their employments rely upon farming and domesticated animals. In the event that an elephant comes and demolishes a sugarcane field in 30 seconds, that is a whole family’s riches for a whole year. On the off chance that a panther comes and executes a family’s goats, that is riches once more,” Shaaz says. “In and around the woods, man and creature need to coincide, and for that to happen effectively, there should be an exchange between local people and the timberland authorities and us, who are private business visionaries and partners in the woodlands. Making mindfulness and exchange is the way to moderating clash,” he includes.

My jungle is ethereal, pink leaves and lucid dreaming, I manipulate the world that you believe in…
“Utilize The Camera To Spark Change”
You know, photography is close to home. It is an excursion of self-disclosure. It’s the manner by which you see the world.” Shaaz says.”Go out there and utilize the camera as a device to deify minutes, to savour life, yet in particular, utilize the camera to start the change. Use it as an instrument for preservation, use it as an apparatus to make mindfulness.” Till date, in ten years of his photography, Shaaz has taken various honour winning photos, however, he has never presented his photos in a photograph rivalry. Shaaz says that he doesn’t put stock in another person revealing to him how to catch a second, in light of the fact that nobody yet you yourself can shape your vision. Striving for picture takers, Shaaz says: “Go out there and make the most of your work. It doesn’t need to be a dark jaguar or a panther.

Pursue a butterfly, pursue feathered creatures. Go out there with the expectation that there is a greater importance to what exactly you’re doing.” With a possibility to catch minutes like none other with a camera that is indivisible from him, Shaaz’s flexibility and solidness of direction motivate the youthful and the old the same. Hopefully that the Leopard Man’s enchantment stays never-ending.