Known for his funny remarks and a habit of not sharing food, Joey has been underrated when it comes to counting ‘best friends’ in friends.
Nevertheless, several moments in the series are an open testimony to his kindness and pure-heartedness.
So, here are the 7 moments where Joey Tribbiani proved that he not only had the quality of making people laugh but also was a gem of a person!
1. When Joey wrote the Recommendation Letter
When Monica and Chandler finally went for adoption, they were asked for a Letter of recommendation. Initially, they asked Rachel to write it, but when Joey revolted, they had to give him a chance.

Joey, trying his best not to disappoint the two of them, took out a thesaurus to sound a bit intellectual and changed every word in his letter.
So passionate was he about writing that letter that he even named himself ‘baby kangaroo’, which is the literal meaning of his name!
2. Bringing a friendship bracelet for Chandler
Chandler and Joey’s bromance has won fans’ hearts already. Chandler was always there for Joey, encouraging him in financial and emotional matters.

To commemorate their bond and thank Chandler for his endless support, Joey buys him an expensive friendship band.
However, Chandler was reluctant to wear the band so as not to affect his dating life. But Joey got over-excited when he saw that Chandler bought him the same bracelet.
He proudly wore it and showed it off. This proves how he always kept friendship above his love life.
3. Proposing to Phoebe
When Phoebe lied to cover up for Rachel that she was pregnant, Joey proposed to her. For someone who is not serious about dating and always seemed to play around– Joey took a pretty serious job of thinking about marrying a single mom.

Joey truly shows that he can do anything for his friends– even give up on his bachelor life.
When he finds out that it is not Phoebe who is pregnant but Rachel, without second thoughts, he proposes to her as well, this act shows just how much Joey cares about his friends and can give up on his fun and enjoyment to help them.
4. Taking Rachel on a date
When Rachel felt left out of dating and stuff due to her pregnancy, Joey stepped up again to make her happy. Nevertheless, he was also careful in making sure that it was not an act out of pity.

Joey taught Rachel his dating strategies and also learned hers. At the end of the date, he successfully cheered Rachel up, and she even called it ‘her best date ever.’
5. Saving Trees for Phoebe
When Phoebe finds out what happens to the Christmas tree after the festive season, she is overwhelmed. She even asks everyone not to buy a tree and is hugely affected.

To lift her spirits, Joey utilizes his job as a Christmas tree salesman and saves all the trees after the holiday is over.
Seeing this, Phoebe is extremely happy, and well, all superheroes do not need caps!
6. He forgave Chandler for kissing her girlfriend
Chandler and Joey had faced numerous things together. They even competed for girls’ attention together. However, it was hurtful for Joey when Chandler kissed Kathy.

Before this, he forgave Chandler for kissing his sister while he was drunk. But this time, Chandler crossed the line.
Yet, he gave him one last chance by keeping him in a box on Thanksgiving and ended up freeing him from it as well. Joey just couldn’t see his best friend unhappy.
7. When he gave up eating meat for Phoebe
For Joey, food is everything. He made it pretty clear that food comes before dating. Still, he chose friends over food.

When Phoebe was unable to resist her cravings for meat amplified by her pregnancy, Joey also gave up eating meat during that period to help her not to trespass her principles.
Joey struggles to resist his food cravings, but he does his best for Phoebe. Truly, he had a golden heart!
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As a die-hard Friends fan, I thoroughly enjoyed recalling the 7 Moments From Friends Where Joey Was An Absolute Gem! Joey consistently steals the show with his funny one-liners and real moments of camaraderie. Thank you for collating these wonderful moments that remind us why we all adore Joey Tribbiani!