Meet Nivas, Srikakulam District Collector who feeds HIV Positive Kids every month for the last 6 year

Srikakulam is a district which is situated about 730 km away from Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh. The district has almost 210 kids, suffering from HIV. Srikakulam Collector, J Nivas along with Deputy DM and HO has made an effort to feed the HIV-positive kids in his city with nutritious food every month which can boost up their immunity to have prolonged life for the last 6 years.

Nivas, Srikakulam District Collector
Photo Credit- Thefactnews. in

Nivas said that this idea came into his mind after seeing Former East Godavari district collector Mudappa Ravi Chandra. He also added that after being inspired by him, he decided to adopt an HIV positive boy from Adilabad district in Telangana.

The money for the nutrition kit is given to the kid’s caretakers. The nutrition kits consist of eggs, Horlicks, Atta, jaggery, oil, rice, and few other nutritious items every month which will help to boost the immune system to fight with virus. 

Inspired by the kind act of Nivas, Deputy DM&HO, Dr. Leela Rani also came forward by adopting an HIV positive child from Nandigama Mandal and has been providing him with nutritious food in the past years. She even promised to give him a proper education by bearing all costs.

Dr. Leela said in an interview that on her part she has been providing nutritious diet kits to the child but can’t get him to the school due to the Covid-19 induced disruption.

She also added that “officers of various departments, particularly at the district level, have come forward to contribute towards providing the nutritious kits to HIV positive kids. Plans are on to supply them via the Indian Red Cross Society”.

On World’s AIDS Day, he spoke in a meeting at Bapuji Kalamandir that only 59 percent with AIDS are being treated while others die due to ignorance. He also added that in 2019, the rate of HIV cases fell by 50 percent since 2001. So, he urges all people with this virus to avail the treatments.

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