OIC, Arab Intellectuals and Activists take a stand against growing Islamophobia in India; NRIs face the heat.


Indian expats have come under fire after their tweets which are seen as Islamophobic in nature have gone viral. These tweets have drawn heavy criticism from scholars, intellectuals and activists from the Middle East.

The happenings in India are having an impact on NRIs too, many right-wing inspired Indian expats living in the Middle East, especially the Gulf have been trying to give COVID-19 a religious colour for some time now. They, like many others in India, have blamed Muslims for the spread of the Corona Virus especially after the Nizamuddin episode. Terms like ‘Corona Jihad’ and ‘Corona Fidayeen’ have frequently been used to dub the spread of the virus.

Many Indians living in the Middle East have been released from their jobs because of tweets like these. Many more are expected to land in trouble.

Burger King, a US-based fast-food chain has sacked one of its employees of Indian origin in Kuwait for his anti-Muslim views, this happened after one of his posts went viral. Likewise, an Indian National in UAE was sacked for his post which was believed to be mocking Muslims and Islam.

These tweets are getting international attention and have drawn criticism from people all over the Muslim world especially in the Middle East.

The Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission (IPHRC) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) took to Twitter and condemned the ‘vicious Islamophobic’ campaigns in India. “OIC-IPHRC condemns the unrelenting vicious Islamophobic campaign in India maligning Muslims for the spread of COVID-19 as well as their negative profiling in media subjecting them to discrimination & violence with impunity.” the Tweet read.


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