There are various considerations when determining whether to privately store your child’s cord blood for your own use or to donate it for public access. The placenta and umbilical cord are normally disposed of as medical waste after the delivery of a baby. Still, on request, stem cells from the cord blood can be extracted and stored or donated. More than 80 major medical disorders can be treated using stem cells from cord blood. Public and private cord blood banks are the available choices at the moment. Knowing which sort of banking alternatives is best for you and your family depends on the very distinct functions that public and private banks fulfill. In this article, we shall debunk certain myths and facts regarding private and public cord blood banking to help you make an informed decision.
Understanding The Concepts
For a family’s personal use, private cord blood banks store and process cord blood stem cells. Although the cost of cord blood banking varies based on the provider, a number of organizations provide various cost-effective storage options. Several experts and doctors advise against private cord blood banking since it is less likely to be used medically and may not be economical for most families. Stem cells from cord tissue may be processed and stored by private cord blood banks, which hold great potential for treating a wider spectrum of disorders than cord blood alone. Families with a history of genetic illnesses or those with children who now have a condition that may require stem cell treatment in the future should pay particular attention to this. Parents may rest easy knowing they have taken preventative measures to safeguard their family’s health by storing cord blood and tissue.
Myths And Facts Of Cord Blood Banking
Given below are some of the major myths surrounding cord blood banking that you must clear out to make a decision:
Myth 1: Cord Blood Banking Is Free
Donating your baby’s cord blood to a needy family is known as public cord blood banking. Private cord blood banking is paying a fee to keep your baby’s cord blood for potential use in the future. Based on your family’s financial condition and medical history, you should give this option great thought. For contributions of discarded cord blood, the public bank must cover the cost of collecting kits and delivery fees, which are approximately $100 per unit. Around 60% to 80% of contributions are rejected since only 900 million nucleated cells are retained. Also, buying from a public bank costs about $45,000. Hence, you will pay a flat fee if you require your child’s cord blood in the future but don’t have it stored in a private bank.
Myth 2: You Can Use Public Banks For Your Family’s Future
Umbilical cord blood donations are processed and stored here for public use or scientific study. It’s doubtful that the cord blood will be accessible for later private use once donated. There are no storage costs, however, the hospital may charge a collection fee. Only when kept in a private bank are other family members permitted to utilize a newborn’s cord blood. Families that wish to give their baby cord blood but do not have a history of genetic problems might choose public cord blood banks. If you have a history of genetic illnesses or parents wishing to store their baby’s cord blood for future use, consider private cord blood banks. As long as the receiver has an acceptable HLA match to the kid, the cord blood can be utilized without the child’s blood type matching that of the grandparents.
Myth 3: Banked Cord Blood Is Effective Forever
Parents need a product with a longer shelf life to store their child’s cord blood. Although there is little information on using cord blood in transfusions, studies on thawed cord blood units have demonstrated that the quality and viability of a cord blood sample are unaffected by the time of cryopreservation. Data on using cord blood in transfusions is scarce because cord blood banking is just 27 years old. Since 1993, the New York Blood Center has kept cord blood on hand and evaluated the quality of units used in transplantation and frozen for up to 16 years. No signs of degradation from cryopreservation were discovered.
Myth 4: Cord Blood Banking Is A Painful Process
Banking cord blood is not painful for either parents or babies. Because cord blood is only obtained after the chord has been clamped and severed, there is no discomfort or risk to you or the baby during the collection process. Both vaginal and cesarean births are compatible with this. Cord blood banking is a painless and secure operation. It is a one-time chance that might be viewed as an investment in the health of your child.