Smart Technologies Doesn’t Make You Dumb, A New Study

Smart technologies have contributed vastly to the betterment of society but it is also associated with a lot of issues including tech neck, blue light rays emission and texting and driving. But amidst the negatives, there is also a positive that these technologies are not making us dumber as stated by a new study.

Inc. Magazine

People carry different sorts of smart technologies with them, be it smartphones, tablets, or laptops. These devices facilitate them in different skills like reading maps or calculation.

People generally assume that technology has made people dumb, but the reality is starkly opposite.

In an article published in Nature Human Behavior, it has been stated that there is no scientific proof that smartphones and other digital technologies are hindering our cognitive abilities or making us imbeciles.

The social and behavioral professional Anthony Chemero from the University of Cincinnati and his associates elucidated in detail the transition of the new digital age along with explaining how smart technology classically compliments thinking, thus helping an individual excel in every field.

Smart Technologies Doesn’t Make You Dumb, A New Study
Image Source: blog.namely

“Despite the headlines, there is no scientific evidence that shows that smartphones and digital technology harm our biological cognitive abilities,” said Chemero. He recently co-authored a paper stating the same.

He also explained that smartphones and digital technologies, instead, are changing how we engage in our cognitive abilities.

“These changes are cognitively beneficial,” he further added.

Conventional ways of learning things used to fill our minds with junk. The stuff that we only need to remember temporarily can be easily stored in our phones now. This helps in completing more complex tasks and freeing up space in our brains to store different types of information, isn’t that much easier?

Think of it, this free space can be used to store much more important information. So ultimately, isn’t smart technology helping us in enhancing our memory?

Image Source: medium

Prior research which had connected smart technology to diminished cognition was quite flawed because technology has helped us save our mental energy for complex tasks that need more attention.

Smart technology has made things easier from navigation to shopping and indeed it has negative impacts, but still, it doesn’t contribute to making people dumb rather it sharpens our abilities.

There might be social and psychological consequences of long-term usage of technology but cognitive damage is not necessarily one of them.

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