“Stop it Please! Act”, George Floyd’s brother pleads the Congress.

George floyd

Philonise Floyd, a brother of George Floyd (Credit: AP)

Philonise Floyd, younger brother of George Floyd pleaded the US Congress, Washington to stop the ongoing violence and act, else the death of his brother will just be another name to history. He urged the authorities responsible to not let the death of his brother, who sacrifice go in vain to protect the lives of other Black Americans and permanently stop crimes like lynching.

“I am tired. I am tired of the pain I am feeling now and the pain that I feel every time another Black person is killed for no reason.” He said in a House hearing in Washington on Wednesday.

“I am here today to ask you to make it stop. Stop the pain.” He continued with his voice rising in emotions.

He later went on questioning the lawmakers and said, “Is that what a Black man’s life is worth? Twenty dollars?”

“This is 2020. Enough is enough. Be the leaders that this country, this world needs. Do the right thing. His life mattered. All our lives matter. Black lives matter.” He added, at last, wiping off his tears.

His brother George Floyd, a 46-years old Black American and a Houston native was killed by a police officer (White American) after he knelt on Floyd’s neck for eight minutes. Before that, he arrested Floyd on a charge of passing a counterfeit of $20 bill at a grocery store in the Powder-horn Park, Minneapolis neighbourhood.


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