The inventor of dynamite, Alfred Nobel was the founder of the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel peace prize has been the subject of controversy due to the political nature.
Nobel peace prize for the year 2020 has been given to World Food Programme.
As per Nobel’s will, the Peace Prize shall be awarded to the person who in the preceding year “shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and the holding and promotion of peace congresses”.
However, this has not always been the case. Here are the top 10 controversies related to the Nobel peace prize.
1. Liu Xiaobo (2010)

In 2010, the Nobel peace prize went to Liu Xiaobo for his struggle and non-violent act for fundamental rights in China.
Due to autocracy, the concept of fundamental rights was not pleasing to the communist party. Therefore, he was imprisoned at the time of the award.
As a result, neither he nor his family member was present at the time of the award ceremony. The CCP alleged that Liu didn’t promote international friendship and peace meetings and also that Liu participated in an organization that receiving funding for anti-china concerns.
Due to this, the relation between China and Norway was also affected.
2. Barack Obama (2009)

The New York Times claimed Obama’s winning as a “stunning surprise”.
As per the committee, the prize went to Obama for his extraordinary effort to strengthen international diplomacy and improving the corporation between the people.
However, Obama himself said he was surprised by the win but he accepted the same. Barack as a Novel peace prize winner received criticism as it was underserved and politically motivated and wishful.
3. Al Gore and the IPCC (2007)

The prize was given to Al Gore and the IPCC for their effort to build up and disseminate greater knowledge related to climatic changes and foundations for the measure that are needed to protect the same.
However, the same criticism as the basis against which the prize went to them was not in line with the Nobel Peace prize as wished by Nobel. It was assumed that it was politically motivated.
In August 2006, al gore’s household electric consumption was found to be twice that of an avg. American.
4. Jimmy Carter (2002)

The Nobel prize for the year 2002 went to Jimmy Carter for his effort to find a peaceful path to the international conflict and to advance democratic and human rights and promote social and economic development.
This faced criticism as this announcement was made soon after U.S president Bush passed an order to use military force against Iraq.
5. Kim Dae-jung (2000)

The Novel Peace Prize for the year 2000 went to Kim Dae-Jung for his humanitarian work for democracy and human rights in South Korea, peace, and reconciliation with North Korea.
Critics argued that Jung made a historical event in North Korea by allegedly paying seven hundred million dollars paid to north Korea. His staff was sentenced to prison for their role in Hyundai payment to North Korea in the North-south summit.
6. Rigoberta Menchú (1992)

The 1992 Nobel peace prize went to Rigoberta for her work for social justice and cultural reconciliation for the right of indigenous people. However, the event went into controversy since it came to the surface that the work was done for which Rigoberta had got fame was partly true or partly fictitious.
7. 14th Dalai Lama (1989)

There has always been a mismatch of opinion between the Tibetian and the CPC. The 1989 Nobel peace prize went to Dalai Lama for his work as a Lama.
However, the Chinese regime protested against the same for the activity of Dalai Lama in Tibet.
8. Adolf Hitler (1939) (non-recipient)
In a submission, thought of, not to be taken seriously, an antifascist member of Swedish parliament Eril Gottfrid Christian Brandt nominated German Dictator Adolf Hitler for the Nobel peace prize. Later, the nomination was cancelled for the same. In the year 1939, no Nobel Prize winner was announced and there was no one to be awarded.

9. European union (2012)
The 2012 Nobel peace prize was given to the European Union for over 6-decade contributions to the advancement of peace, human right, and democracy in Europe. There were many allegations imposed. However, one strong argument said the EU is not clearly a champion of peace.
1. Mahatma Gandhi (non-recipient)

Mahatma Gandhi never in his life received a Nobel peace prize although he was nominated five times between the year 1937 and 1948. In the year 1948 mahatma got a sixth nomination for the Nobel prize but he was later assassinated on 30th January 1948. The committee decided against giving the prize. Later on the year 1948, no Nobel peace prize was given explaining that there were no living candidates perfect for the award. Decades later, the committee publicly declares the regret of not awarding the prize to Gandhi and for its omission.
Although a heavy weightage is given to the Nobel prizes sometimes the motive of the same is diverted. Mostly the awards were given to the Americans and European ignoring the Asian and African people due to their race. Hardly committee nominates people from this region. Another fact is that there is no transparent and clear mechanism of choosing the awardee and mostly are done for self-interest, national interest, or are politically driven.
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