Quarantine has not been easy on our health and this is for sure. By now many of us must have somewhere learnt different recipes and left-back all the fitness regime which were once an integral part of our lives. We now complain of not being able to exercise or manage a healthy weight.
Obesity is a huge problem not just in India but in the entire world and post-pandemic it is at surge due to the limited outings and shut down of gyms and other places on which a majority of the population heavily relied on for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The larger population who are victims of this consists of Children and Bachelors who are dependent on the materialistic lifestyle. And this article will help you turn attentive while eating because at the end, it’s all about the mindful eating.
Celebrity Indian dietician Rujuta Diwekar has always emphasized on eating all the food which are in season. Many times people go on a calorie-restricted diet to lose weight which is not right at all. These are not reliable in the long run and as soon as we go back to our original lifestyle, we will end up gaining exactly the double of what we have initially lost.
10 simple day-to-day ways that will definitely help you maintain an ideal weight this pandemic.
Drink Warm Water Empty Stomach Without an Additive: It’s scientifically proven that the first glass of warm water in the morning empty stomach works wonders for everyone striving hard for maintaining an ideal healthy weight. It improves bowel movement, alleviates stomach pain, flushes out the toxins and helps in passing out the harmful accumulated fats in the body via urination. Moreover, drinking the first glass of warm water helps the body to maintain the ideal body temperature and indirectly aids in boosting immunity. Later, there has to be rest seven glasses or more after every one hour. Normally it is recommended that one should take eight to ten glasses of normal water after having the first glass of warm water.

Beverages Should Not Be Taken Before Breakfast: We usually make a mistake starting our day with Tea or Coffee empty stomach which is not wrong but harmful. Having any kind of beverages in the morning without having anything results in acidity.

Divide Your Food into Eight Smaller Meals: Yes! Ideally, it is recommended that one should have three complete meals which include breakfast, lunch and dinner but have we ever realized that eating all these three, till we are full or overfull leads to the breakdown of glucose in our body which makes us fatigued and less energetic? Yes, to avoid that one should divide the food into eight smaller meals every two hours. Through this one will not feel hungry, binge eats everything unhealthy and avoid overeating.

Breakfast Should Be Fulfilling and Never Missed: One should never miss breakfast at any cost. There are a lot of dietary plans that suggest missing your breakfast for weight loss or maintenance of ideal weight. Eating just right is what is all demanded. Breakfast should contain all sorts of nutrients and fibrous food and at the same time should be light and should not cause bloating.

Mindful Eating: Eating right and with a lot of patience is very important. While eating your focus should be on food and quantity. Many times we tend to eat more than what are appetite is all because either we are doing multitasking while eating or eating with no concentration. Food is a blessing and should be worshipped without doing any other work.

Mind Mapping: Mind mapping or portion controlling, what we call in a simplified language. To lose weight one should map the daily calory intake and accordingly reduce the portion of it. This way you get to eat everything but in a less quantity.

Your Plate Should Have Foods of All Colors: Sounds funny right? Science says that when your plate consists of foods of different colours, the better is your body reacting positively to the weight loss journey. Example are white rice, green vegetables, yellow dal and salads. This way your brain will impart energy to your entire body. The only thing to take care of is the right amount of quantity.

Importance of Salad, Curd and Pickles in Your Diet: Salad, with all your food, directly correlates with the absorption of higher nutrients value and weight loss. Curd is a great source of probiotic (an ingredient that contains good bacteria) which improves gut activity and results in good digestion. Pickles, on the other hand, are a great source for regulating Vitamin B12 in our bodies. Having pickles daily once in your diet keeps the check on your sodium levels in the body.

Boiled White Rice is Preferable: During the transformation journey, we always have this question in our mind that what quality of rice shall we prefer. The answer is any quality of rice provided it should be boiled and starch free. Rice often tend to interfere with our glucose level and make us feel bloated and heavy. The best is to have it in less quantity every day. The ideal quantity is 1 Katori which is 124 grams and 120 Calories. Having more than that may result in weight gain.

Importance of 30 Minutes Workout Daily: There is no alternative available for a workout. You either do it or you do not. One should stay active and indulge in cardio or brisk walking daily for at least half an hour. Rujuta Diwekar has emphasized in her book that even if one doesn’t have enough place to perform exercises, one should do intense Yoga or any kind of household chores that requires a lot of energy.
