The division of North Korea and South Korea in the 20th century remains the world’s biggest dispute even today. A 70-year-old enmity is going on between the two countries.
But a recent statement by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has indicated that it is possible that the bitterness between the two countries may subside.
Let us tell you that Kim Jong-un has said that in early October, he will restore the ‘hotline’ with South Korea. Pyongyang cut off the hotline in August of this year in protest of military exercises between South Korea and the United States.
Steps to restore peace
The ‘Korean Central News Agency’ (KCNA) quoted Kim as saying that the restoration of the hotline will establish peace between the two countries, which is also the desire of the Korean people. A day before Kim’s statement, North Korea claimed on Wednesday that it had successfully tested a new ‘hypersonic missile’.

Kim’s appeal
Kim Jong-un has appealed to South Korea to give up its “unfair double-dealing attitude” and “hostile policies”. At the same time, Kim Jong’s sister Kim Yo-Jong had also said on the same issue that if South Korea stops provoking North Korea, leaving hostile policies, then talks can be started again.
Let us tell you that tension has been going on between the two countries since the Korean War. North Korea often conducts missile tests to ‘intimidate’ South Korea.
At the same time, North Korea’s statement about starting talks was welcomed by South Korea.
Accused America
On Wednesday, while addressing the country’s parliament, Kim accused America of increasing enmity. Let us tell you that there have been no talks between the US and North Korea since February 2019.
Earlier, then US President Donald Trump met Kim Jong-un at the Hanoi conference. This meeting was possible only when North Korea promised that it would give up all its nuclear weapons.
However, in return, they had demanded the lifting of the restrictions imposed on them.

As per a report by KCNA, during Pyongyang’s annual parliament session, Kim said, “The US is touting ‘diplomatic engagement’… but it is no more than a petty trick for deceiving the international community and hiding its hostile acts and an extension of the hostile policy pursued by the successive U.S. administrations”.