A horrifying incident occurred on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha this year. Some visuals which can tear one’s heart apart have been shared on social media. The video records the relocation of an ox from a two-storey building in Karachi, Pakistan for the slaughter to be performed on the auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Adha. The ox had been transported via crane where he loses his balance and falls-freely to the ground from the top of a two-storey building. The netizen’s wrath reached at its pinnacle after author Tarak Fateh shared the video.
As shown in the video the sacrificial animal was ruthlessly being transported from the top of a two-storey building to the ground. This particular cattle was brought up and looked after by the family for almost two years on the top floor of their house in Pakistan. Unlike other Muslims who buy animals for slaughter a few days before the sacrificial holiday, Syed Ejaz Ahmad, 55, said raising his own calves was more economical, according to a Pakistan daily The Nation.
Ahmad started raising calves in a rooftop shed about 15 years ago. As they grew in size, it became difficult to lead oxen down the narrow staircase of his house.
That is when he called for a crane service and then the operation has become an annual event in Ahmad’s neighbourhood of Nazimabad with a crowd of bystanders watching the operation of flooring down the cattles.
“I was a bit scared when I did this for the first time,” crane operator Mohammad Hanif said this week as he swung Ahmad’s seven cows and oxen to the ground. “Now I have a lot of practice doing it,” he added further.
However, this ruthless handling of the cattle has drawn the ire of netizens where some called it a careless mistake others have defended the act by blaming it on the crane management who tied the animal.
In this regard, Salman Sufi Foundation Chief and United Nations (UN) Women’s Senior Advisor Gender Sindh Salman Sufi posted on social media app Twitter asking to identify where this happened and who did this According to him, the incident is an animal abuse case.
Salman Sufi (Stay At Home to Stay Safe) (@SalmanSufi7) Tweeted:
Can someone please identify where this happened and who did this? There has to be an animal abuse case registered against them.
Please help identify.
#AnimalAbuse is NOT part of Qurbani.
Can someone please identify where this happened and who did this? There has to be an animal abuse case registered against them.
Please help identify.
#AnimalAbuse is NOT part of Qurbani. https://t.co/PGYREBA9l1
— Salman Sufi (Get New Covid Booster Today) (@SalmanSufi7) August 2, 2020
This is not the only one incident, day after day we come to know about such inhumane incidents of mistreating animals and using them for the purpose of entertainment. These kinds of incidents show that although we are Homo Sapiens which simply means, we are wise and thinking beings and are rational in our approach but still we prove this classification as a big irony on ourselves.
The one mishap which awe-struck everyone was reported in Jhandutta, Himachal Pradesh where a pregnant cow’s jaw blown off by explosive-laden wheat-flour balls. Recently, Kerala reported an insane incident, where, a pregnant elephant had been put to death after cracker filled pineapple explodes in her mouth. Such kind of activities is a big question for our rationalities.
Also, giving silly supportive interpretations to such incidents and moulding Islam on one’s own perception not only gives society a bad influence but also harms one’s own faith.
With superiority comes responsibility
Our being the most superior of creations does not give us unbridled authority to do as we like with those underneath us in the hierarchy or the food chain. Rather we have a heightened responsibility in how we exercise this “superiority.”
It is clearly mentioned in the Qur’an:
لَن يَنَالَ اللَّهَ لُحُومُهَا وَلَا دِمَاؤُهَا وَلَٰكِن يَنَالُهُ التَّقْوَىٰ مِنكُمْ ۚ كَذَٰلِكَ سَخَّرَهَا لَكُمْ لِتُكَبِّرُوا اللَّهَ عَلَىٰ مَا هَدَاكُمْ ۗ وَبَشِّرِ الْمُحْسِنِينَ
“Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you. Thus, have We subjected them to you that you may glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you, and give good tidings to the doers of good.” – (22:37)
Clearly, these kinds of activities are nowhere supported in Islam and also, it’s nowhere mentioned that slaughtering of animals is mandatory, it’s only when you have a sufficient amount to do so without harming your other basic requisites. So, doing such things in the name of religion is such a stigma on us.
As per ritual in the state Pakistan, those who cannot afford goats for sacrifice for Eid rear other animals like oxen and cows. Due to the crowded population, agricultural and scarcity and irregular urbanization in Karachi, people sometimes keep their animals on their roofs on the second and third floor of their houses in Karachi as was the case with Syed Ejaz Ahmed. These cattles, on the day of Qurbani, then are sold to offerors. Reportedly, these cattles are sold for 20,000 Pakistani rupees to a princely sum of Rs 16 lakh.
Also, there are reports that Pakistan imports beef from India to bring down the cost and meet the domestic demands, sometimes. According to 2018, CNN Business report India stood second in exporting beef after Brazil.

As per the government data by the Ministry of Commerce (Government of India), India has exported a huge quantity of buffalo meat to neighbouring countries in South Asia. The Government of India data further shows that India has exported Rs.113.10 crores of Beef (Buffalo) to Pakistan.
In spite of the fact that the Christians and the Jews are the highest meat consumer communities, only Muslims are maligned for meat-eating and sometimes harassed and killed. These communal elements become more active during Eid ul Azha festival only to communalize the atmosphere also if we see this matter in an Indian perspective we would be surprised to know that out of six largest meat exporters of India four are Hindus.
It’s such a contradictory fact to the present ruling government.