The Indian Medical Association (IMA), requested the honorable prime minister on Saturday to pay heed towards the deplorable condition of doctors due to novel coronavirus.
“A total of 196 doctors in the country, majority of them being general practitioners, have succumbed to COVID-19 so far”, says IMA.
The health body, which represents 3.5 lakh doctors across the country has shown concern and urged the PM Modi to ensure that families received the assured treatment when infected.
A list of 196 doctors was made, out of which 170 were above 50 years. IMA submitted a letter to the PM and warned that the mortality rate has reached an alarming proportion now. While Tamil Nadu alone lost 43 of its doctors.
The general practitioners who are first to come in contact with any one showing the related symptoms, attributes to 40% of the death toll of doctors.
The letter further says, “It is pertinent to mention that COVID-19 does not differentiate between government and private sector and affects all same.”
Rajan Sharma, IMA national president said, “IMA thus request the government of India to provide adequate attention for the safety and welfare of doctors during pandemic.”
There have been reports from the doctors and their families that they are not provided with beds and are also not properly medicated.
The demand to extend state sponsored medical and life insurance facilities to doctors in all sectors have also been made in the letter to the Prime Minister Modi.
“Saving each and every life of a doctor will ensure safety of thousands of patients who depend on their care,” it added. “Doctors who have died in line of their professional duty merit favorable consideration for succor and solace to their families. It is thus pertinent for the IMA to also draw your attention to the demoralizing effect to our healthcare community.”
As of Saturday, India recorded 61,537 cases, with 933 deaths. The total cases have clocked the threshold of 2.2 million with 2,199,101 accurate cases till now. Total deaths in India are witnessed to be 44,048. Credit: Deccan Chronical
Doctors from the day one were not provided with the essentials of COVID-19. Proper PPE kits were not available. It seems as if the conscience of the politicians have died, because the very basic self-proclaimed right of any leader, that is corruption, was continued during this crisis as well. There are reports which cover speculations in this matter. But still, questioning the government about their responsibility will be considered a sin in the biggest democracy of the world.