A daycare is a place where parents can drop their kids off so that they can go to work without having to worry about their children. These daycares can be in the comfort of a trusted relative’s home or a professional center. Daycares are not the same as kindergarten programs as they focus on providing care and nutrition for the children in a safe and hygienic environment. A daycare centre has many advantages for children as below:
- Schedule: Daycares have a fixed schedule and have a lot of activities to keep the children engaged. This helps the kids learn to follow a routine which is important as they grow up. This will also help with the behaviour aspect as they are made to follow a strict schedule of playtime, eating time, and napping time as well.
- Academics: Children who go to daycares don’t play all day. They are also taught a curriculum that will help with their academics when they join a pre-school. It is also seen that kids who go to daycares showed better cognitive development as opposed to those who didn’t.
- Behaviour: A lot of parents struggle with handling their children’s behaviour. It can go out of hand in a lot of cases. Daycares ensure that the children behave by following a proper schedule filled with all the essential activities kids need at that age.
- Immunity: There is a lot of criticism against daycares due to the usage of common toys. Parents need to understand that kids who fall sick at that age have a better immunity system to tolerate diseases as they grow up. If they fall sick during their time at the daycare, it’s completely okay it helps in making their immunity system better.
- Social Interaction: Kids who go to daycares interact with other kids who are of the same age. This helps in developing their social skills. Kids need to socialize as much as possible at that age. This will help them get exposure to several things that are important as they grow up.
- Confidence: A lot of kids lack confidence as they grow up to be adults. This trait is important to instil right from a young age. Daycares help with this and ensure that kids grow up to become very confident individuals. They are not shy to socialize with their peers and their caregivers.
- Transition: Kids who go to a preschool without going to a daycare find it hard to cope in a lot of cases. Daycares provide kids with the prerequisite knowledge required before they enter preschool.
- Involvement: Daycares also ensure a good amount of parent involvement. There are a lot of activities planned by daycares for parents to attend with their children during the weekends. This will help both the parents and the children to bond.
Daycares can benefit parents as well. Here’s how:
- Parents who are focused on their work need not compromise their careers for their kids. Daycares will help shape the kids while allowing parents to work at peace without worrying about their kids. A lot of parents are seen to regret taking time off from work to look after their children instead of progressing in their careers. Daycares are a perfect solution for parents looking to focus on their careers first.
- Daycares help teach kids good behaviour making it easy for parents to handle their children at home. They are well-behaved and do not go around doing naughty stuff while you are busy doing some house chores. In a lot of cases, some kids also offer to help their parents in completing the house chores.
- New parents often find it hard to handle toddlers and their stressful work lives especially if they are working from home. It becomes hard to focus on work and their kids. Daycares help parents focus on their work during their work hours and post-work, they can focus on their kids.
- Parenting kids is not an easy task. Often new parents fight amongst themselves in dividing the responsibilities of their kids. Daycares help shape their kids to be considerate and behaved individuals helping parents as well.
- New parents can bond with their children from the programs conducted by various daycares. These activities are designed in a way to help parents bond with each other and with their kids.
There are plenty of daycare options available in Mumbai and Thane. But you must also consider the following while choosing the right daycare:
- Location is an important parameter to consider in mind. Having the daycare in proximity to your work location or your house would make it convenient to drop and pick up your kids.
- Reviews and ratings of the daycare center play an important part.
- The center must have compassionate staff who take care of the kids as if they were caring for their children.
- The center must have facilities and programs designed for the holistic growth of the children.
If you are looking for a daycare in Mumbai or Thane, weigh out all the pros and cons before taking the final decision. The daycare centers in these regions are some of the finest and can help you in nurturing your child in the best possible way from a young age.
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