The Bombay High Court on Wednesday, considering the problems faced by a large number of migrant labourers, asked the Maharashtra government to allow intra-state movement of the stranded labourers provided they undergo necessary medical tests. This will ease the burden on the government as well.
It was expressed that if the migrant workers are permitted to travel to their places or destinations/homes within the State, that would ease out the burden on the administration, where such workers are stranded. Another suggestion was that before permitting the Intra-State migrants to travel to their destinations or homes, medical examinations should be conducted so that the dreaded disease is not spread in the rural areas, which presently remains unaffected. For this also, Survey will have to be conducted and lists of such persons can be prepared.
– Bombay High Court
This decision came as a result of a large number of labourers showing up at the Bandra Railway Station, after hearing rumors that special trains were being run to take them back to their homes.
However, on the issue of inter-state migration of labourers, the court said that this needs to be addressed by the Central Government in consultation with the State Governments. Supreme Court is also dealing with the same.
For intra state movement of labour within Maharashtra, the court asked the state government to conduct a survey and prepare a list of such labourers. To this, Advocate General (AG) Ashutosh Kumbhakoni assured the bench that the government would consider the suggestion.
Another issue that was raised before the High Court was regarding the response to the complaints of migrant workers, who were stuck and left deserted at places. About this, the Court suggested that the Taluka level Committees immediately respond to the complaints relating to non-availability of water, sanitation, food, shelter etc.