10 steps taken worldwide to combat increasing pollution

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The gradual increase in pollution has become a major concern for nearly every country in the world, with nature being exploited due to the ever-expanding human civilization, all we have is a toxic environment to live in, but still some countries are on board to counter the pollution and make the world a better place to live. We at TSA have enlisted 10 such remarkable steps that gave us hope amidst this smoggy gloom.

1) The Nanjing Vertical Forests, China

Image Source: Stefano Boeri Architetti

China is one of the top countries facing the worst health conditions due to pollution, massive industrialization in China is the major cause of such lethal exposure. However, in the last few years, China came up with remarkable pollution-busting initiatives to enhance the living conditions. ‘The Nanjing Vertical Forest’ is one such project in Jiangsu province. At an estimate, this vertical forest will be able to absorb 25 tons of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and capable of releasing enough oxygen to make the air healthier by 3,000 times.

2) CityTree, Germany

Image Source: Green City Solutions

Pollution is a major concern in urban areas as a lesser amount of green areas and trees means fewer chances of absorption of carbon dioxide which eventually damages the air quality around.

Green City Solutions, a Germany-based start-up created the ‘CityTree’ which is a vertical unit that incorporates moss and lichen in the shape of a billboard. ‘CityTree’ demands a very fraction of space and costs to be installed and can effectively perform the task of more than 275 trees at once.

3) Smog-eating Building, Italy

Image Source: World Architecture Community

Palazzo Italia, a building in Milan, is the first building to be made of construction material (concrete) that is designed to clear air. The ‘facade’ is a mixture of cement and titanium oxide, captures nitrogen oxide pollutants, and converts it into harmless salts that can easily rinse off the walls during rain.

Palazzo Italia consumes 40% lesser energy compared to a building of its size and emits no pollution at all. Michele Molè, the lead architect of this remarkable infrastructure stated that, “We wanted the building to be an osmotic organism, like a tree that breathes in carbon dioxide and exhales oxygen.”

4) The Smog-free Tower, Netherlands

Image Source: ENS Clean Air

You can wear jewellery made out of pollution. Sounds strange? This innovation is as unique as it can be. Dan Roosegaarde, a Dutch artist came up with an idea that seems impossible at first glance but it is as real as pollution. The Smog-Free tower is a vacuum that sucks in smog from the surrounding and condenses the particles into gemstones!

This tower uses relatively little energy for sending positive ions into the air which connect themselves to dust particles, the negative ion in the vacuum attracts the positive ions back inside, bringing the particles with them. The fine carbon particles that the tower collects can be condensed to create tiny “gemstones” that can be embedded in jewellery like rings and cufflinks. Each of the tiny stones is the equivalent of 265,000 gallons (1,000 cubic meters) of purified air.

5) World’s Largest Air Purifier, China

Image Source: Design Engine

Out of many other efforts of China to combat pollution, they come up with yet another effort. China erected a massive structure measuring 328 feet (100m) in height, a tower that can enhance the air quality of around 10 Square kilometers.

Although, China is looking forward to building more of such skyscrapers that can be effective in minimizing pollution and increasing the life expectancy around.

6) Anti-Smog Guns, Delhi

Image Source: NewIndianExpress.com

Anti-smog guns work by spraying water vapors in the air, which absorbs the pollutant before falling to the ground like rain. Such an anti-smog gun was tested by Govt. Of Delhi, India in 2017 in Anand Vihar, which has been effective to bring down the dangerous levels of smog around the area.

However, this process doesn’t entirely remove the pollutant, it should be considered as a short-term solution used mainly during the smog-heavy days. Using water as prime content of the device also makes it less environment–friendly.


Image Source: Graviky Labs/Kickstarter

It is utopian to say pollution can be brought down to zero, but we can minimize the adverse effects by innovations out of polluting contents.

Such an extraordinary leap to this is AIR-INK, ink made from carbon emissions. Gravity Labs made this product which was funded via Kickstarter. AIR-INK is processed through a device called KAALINK, which needs to be connected to a car exhaust pipe and upon 45 minutes of driving, the device can extract 1 fluid ounce i.e, 30ml of ink. The captured pollutants need to go through modifications in the lab and manufactured into usable ink.

8) Hydrogen Fuel from Pollutants

Image Source: KU Leuven

Technology and scientific approach is very much the key element to overcome the lethal situation of pollution. Hence, scientists are relying on such innovations for a way out to better living standards.

Thanks to this research from the University of Antwerp and KU Leuven, in May of 2017, scientists developed a method that allows them to purify the air all along with creating hydrogen fuel from the extracted pollutants. The device they created consists of a thin membrane, on which air is purified on one side and hydrogen gas resulting from the degradation of contaminants is collected on the other side. This gas can be used as potential fuel. The device entirely works on solar energy making the innovation purely nature friendly.

9)  Dutch Pollution Vacuum Cleaner

Image Source: Evinity Group

Envinity Groups, a collective of Dutch inventors came together to create an enormous vacuum cleaner designed for industries to remove airborne contaminants.

The vacuum to be installed on the top of industrial chimneys which can remove fine and ultra-fine particles that acts as carcinogens. The inventors claim that the vacuum can eliminate 100% of fine particles and 95% of ultra-fine particles within a radius of 300 meters.

10) Free Transport, Germany

Image Source: Standardizer/Wikimedia

As cars and automobiles are the major producers of air pollution, ditching personal transport and travelling through public transportation is one of the fundamental initiatives to decrease pollution around.

Free public transportation for all the citizens can boost up this process and bring down the pollution caused by vehicles to a minimum. Germany is the first of all countries to consider this long term counter for pollution. Surveys suggest this initiative can be effective to bring the pollution level to the least.

Surely, science and technology along with the combined efforts of such people give us a ray of hope that it’s still not so late to retain our mother Earth to its natural conditions.

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