The idea of getting oneself entertained by any means has amusingly taken some dramatic steps forward. Yes! The moon landing was made up in a studio and oh! Justin Bieber was turned into a giant lizard at the Perth airport or perhaps world’s youngest noble peace prize winner, 2014, Malala Yousafzai at the age of 17 is a western spy whose rescue was all made up by the CIA in order to discredit the Taliban. Enough of the dang!
A Plague Of Theories
Majority of the people are unaware of the contagion that these theories have brought with them now flooded on social media which reminds me of the crazy childhood stories that once we thought were real. The question that arises before any of this, is, that how these conspiracy theories reach our feeds and explorers, why people share them and how can we decide what to believe and what not.
Conspiracies have been found from the books of history and are something that has been believed in for over decades. From the roman empire 64 AD, a king named Nero faced an acquisition of burning his own city while he was out of it. This blame game has been on a good hold. Yes, a blame game as the 45th president of USA, Donald Trump, aged 74, claims China as the new coronavirus of this world. A British psychologist Karen Douglas along with her colleagues stamps it through one of the articles from her journal Current Directions in Psychological Science that people might have one of the following reasons for believing in conspiracy theories.
1. The desire for understanding and certainty.
2. The desire for control and security.
3. The desire to maintain a positive self-image.

The amount of uncertainty is as high as hard it is to prove these theories right. In an idealised scenario, people read them to prove their worth within a confined discussion or seek validation by crossing the lanes of these theories. One of the crucial aspects, that is an urge to maintain an idealised image of oneself by framing the other parties as culprits is also a leading norm to the notion. The pigeons that have been captured in India are none other than Pakistani spies that were trained to bring the secret information from India- claims the Indian media. The new normal is the abundance of fakeness people have been trained to see in order to maintain the loopholes of our own home. To serve the only goal that is our own image. Appreciation is what we humans yearn for and by any means when it is served in the plate, it doesn’t bother to some that what ingredients is it made of. Psychological functioning of a person is what this process is obliged with and the same people who read and share them try to mould the vividness of the information according to their please.
Paradoxical To-The-Former
Some conspiracy theories have proven to be true with facts and time. Yes! There’s always a latter to the former or what we call as the other side of the coin. A theory came regarding a step the governments were taking to spy on its people with the advances in technology. By 2016, it was proved by a non-profit organization, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) that the American government agencies sent almost a million requests to its people in order to track them on various social media daises. Another theory from many that have lately turned out to be true is that of various secret organizations that are present in the real world that comes along with the massive monetary and political powers. freemasons, templars and their cults are a few of them. These theories have brought forward the other side of the world that only a few are in knowledge of. The credibility that they have been proven right directs us to the fact that there has always been symbolism, anti to the pro cults and organizations that have legitimacy over their words, plans and orders. Hollywood, business tycoons, multi-millionaires, music industries, economic fields are the keys to their piano and strings to their tone, endorsing the secret rituals and scripts through their certified image is what they have admitted, proven and accepted themselves.

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Individual’s Binoculars To-Them-Both
What makes one knowledgeable is the recitation of a learned theory or a sense of differentiation? So what a normal being do? Consider them staunch or label them absurd? A self-proclaimed person should know the worth and power of time, effort and faith. As the Author, Lionel Suggs quotes “information exists for a reason, as well as the consciousness. The ego and the self are important concepts to one’s character, to one’s alpha and omega. However, How do you know what you know? How do you predict? How do you justify? What is the difference between logic and fantasy? When the line is blurred and when the blurred line clear? When you stop living and dive into existence, you can uncover the world behind yourself. So, let me ask you, How well do we know our reality? Have we seen the Mask of Truth and if so, have us worn its mask?” Deliberately falling into a pit just because people are doing so is not what a 21st century’s practical and logical mind should justify everything with. Unturn every stone without skipping one, marching beyond the five Ws, scepticism until facts-driven results pop up and anticipating the boons and the banes are what our knowledge should be backed up with.