On 12th June, The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) which is India’s genesis autonomous publicly funded research organization, launched the “AarogyaPath” portal on the scent of the seriate and ceaseless COVID-19 pandemic.

As claimed by the CSIR, ‘Aarogyapath’ is India’s web-based solution for a healthcare supply chain portal, exclusively for the provision of the real-time availability of critical and economical healthcare supplies for Healthcare users/facilitators/service providers such as Hospitals, healthcare establishments, pharmaceuticals, pathological laboratories, medical laboratories, etc.
It was launched by Rajesh Bhushan, Special Duty Officer, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, in the presence of DG CSIR, Dr.Shekhar C. Mande.
The portal’s progress was brought forth in collaboration with Sarvodaya Infotech. Institutional users and manufacturers/authorised and accredited suppliers of healthcare prerequisites are encouraged to be actively sanctionative and participative.

As per Aarogyapath.in, the portal was set abroach to provide auguring directories along with information administration at a national level to avail demands and facilitate essentials whose shortage was anticipatory such as – Test Kits, Essential Medicines, Personnel Protective Equipment (Masks, Gloves, Gowns, Shoes…), Hospital Assistive Devices (Ventilators, Oxygen concentrators…) and sanitizers along with the supplication of standardized products at reasonable prices in the current pandemic situation.
As per the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the incorporation of the portal was done to execute business progression and hinder opportunistic pricing, hoarding, logistical challenges, and the importation of other geopolitical considerations.
According to the latest datum by the Union Health Ministry, India has verified 11,502 novel coronavirus cases, hitherto enumerating a total summation of 3,32,424 cases in the country.