Dalit Brother’s Thrashed Over a 2-years-old Complaint, House Set Ablaze By The Accused

Image Credit: Pratirodh.com

On November 21, in Chirgai village of Madhya Pradesh, a group of 15 men rushed into the house of Sandeep Dhore, beating two of the men and setting the house on fire over a 2-years-old complaint related to the difference in wage payment, Police said.

The complaint dates back to 2018, when the brother of Sandeep Dhore, Santaram Dhore filed a complaint regarding discrimination in the payment of wage against Pavan Yadav. Police charged Yadav under the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act.

Dalit, Brother's
Image Credit: NDTV

As reported by NDTV, Yadav’s family had been forcing Santram to withdraw the case. As he refused, furious Yadav along with a group of 13-14 men on motorbikes, rushed into Dohre’s house on Saturday and started beating up the brothers with rifle butts and axes, and set their home ablaze. Reportedly, they also air-fired gunshots which led to other villagers gathering around the house who later-on set three out of five bikes of the violent group on fire.

The accused ran away with the remaining bikes. The villagers called Police and took the injured men to a nearby hospital, later on, they were referred to the district hospital due to serious injuries.

Pavan Yadav, Kallu Yadav, their four relatives, and a neighbor have been named in the case. Amid the recent situation, Police has constituted three teams to look into the matter and investigate it to a conclusion.

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