In India, for most of the cases, our adults have failed to draw a line between respect and restriction. Sometimes what should be a necessity, have transformed into a luxury. Especially when it comes to rather ‘feminine’ topics that somehow gained their stereotypical standards. The most common subjects on this list after sex are periods. But why should it be that way? If fathers would talk to their daughters about menstruation and walk them tightly held into the beginning of their journey to womanhood, we would be giving rise to men who are certainly more compassionate and less judgmental but those that go on also raise strong, liberated women.

Periods should be a universal issue:
It’s essential to break through the stigma that Indian society has created. When a girl experiences her first period, it automatically becomes an individual basis responsibility for every person to come up and address this issue, since this will help her feel more comfortable. We need to understand that this doesn’t only transform her but it majorly affects her life as well. Due to stigma like this, she feels uncomfortable within her body as herself.
The thing is, it’s a human conversation. It’s not just a conversation women have. The conversation should importantly make her feel comfortable and it should address physiological aspects of menstruation like why it happens and what it could mean for the girl. Issues like menstrual cramps and the importance of hygiene.

Dads can be backup in crisis situations:
No matter how pro one gets in handling periods, every month it still turns out to be a crisis situation. And dealing with the crisis is certainly something dads can be natural pros at. Situations like when the daughters experience their unannounced periods, running to the chemist for buying sanitary napkins or tampons. They should read-up and have effective solutions for problems like irregularity, pain, extreme moodiness, and contraception issues.
When the fathers will give a wide field for their daughters to talk about this issue openly, then both individuals will experience a whole new relationship with each other. This allows men to be more compassionate, more empathetic, and more nurturing outside homes and even in their workplaces.

The “period talk” helps men beyond just being great fathers.
After knowing about this absolutely normal bodily process that their daughters, wives, and mothers continue to go through or did once upon a time, then these fathers will be honourable men. They would be kinder to the struggles women undergo on their period and this generosity will be extended to other women around them let’s say in their workplaces. The biggest issue like period leaves could be resolved with ease, could be more respected at work, and just treated with normality.
A girl will never forget the day she got her period and just acting normal could make a huge difference in her life. You will be creating a world of difference for generations to come.
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