Do Car Insurance Companies Check Mileage?

Mileage is an important factor that we should consider while talking about car insurance. The majority of companies will ask you to provide information about annual mileage.

Mileage is an important factor that we should consider while talking about car insurance. The majority of companies will ask you to provide information about annual mileage. With the help of that data, they get the chance to calculate your premium. It’s undeniable that there’s a direct link between the amount you pay for the insurance and the mileage. To avoid additional charges, people turn to various mileage-related tools. Today I’m going to introduce the mileage blocker from – an alternative to the existing devices. It was designed for testing and provides you with a lot to work with. Let’s get started!

How is the mileage blocker connected to the insurance?

The mileage blocker from isn’t directly connected to the insurance. It’s software that stops recording the mileage. It’s meant for testing the overall functionalities of your vehicle. You shouldn’t use it on the open road to stop recording the mileage and, consequently, have smaller numbers on the odometer.

However, people do take advantage of its features to reduce insurance costs. They use it on public roads and stop recording the mileage. That way, they get the chance to lie to their insurance companies and show them a lower number of miles. That essentially means that they are cutting the insurance costs. You should remember that it’s unethical to use the mileage blocker for deception. After all, it’s an ethical tool that can help you test the performance of your car.

Do Car Insurance Companies Check Mileage? Do Car Insurance Companies Check Mileage?
Image Source: carousell

What are the main features of the mileage stopper?

The mileage stopper has quite a few useful features. It’s a versatile device that is steeped with useful and convenient characteristics. Not only is it ethical to use for testing, but it’s also designed intelligently.

An odometer blocker comes with a plug-and-play module

An odometer blocker from has a plug-and-play module. This means that it can be connected to your vehicle with the original plug. You won’t have to cut or solder any cables to install this equipment. Therefore, it’s completely safe for your car.

Moreover, its activation takes only a couple of seconds. You’ll need to press a button or two and you’ll be able to start using it. will release an app soon, which will simplify the whole process even further. Just remember that you should use this tool only for testing the performance of your car.

A kilometer stopper can’t be detected even with diagnostic testers

The performance of the kilometer stopper can’t be detected even with diagnostic testers. This feature sets it apart from the competitors, as the effects of the odometer correction tools are usually quite easy to discover. Don’t forget that you should employ the kilometre stopper only for testing purposes.


Mileage is one of the most important factors car insurance companies take into account while calculating your premium. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that you should utilize the mileage blocker to lie about the mileage. It’s an ethical tool that you should use for testing purposes. Good luck on your journey!

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