The famous Chrome Dino game With A NaMo twist

credits: the economic times

When your internet is down it makes you tarry, turning you angry and frustrated. . Here comes the Chrome Dino game to get you out of boredom until your internet starts working again (if you’re browsing through the google browser).

A Google Reddit user modified the famous Chrome Dino game into a satirical “PM CARES NOT FOUND” game, mocking the controversial PM Cares Fund which is in controversy owing to its non-transparency.

“I bought the domain name because it was available and made a satirical Modi-themed chrome dinosaur game in it”, the user posted on Sunday.

Image credit: yahoo news

The game is a simple pixelated, 2D, similar to the Chrome dino game.

An animated icon of PM Modi in a saffron jacket runs similar to the T-Rex in the original game, dodging obstacles like judiciary, coronavirus, media and the citizens.


“Unable to display pm cares fund details”.
“PM Cares Fund details cannot be displayed because the government won’t allow you to see it”, mocks the game screen.
“ERR_Hidden_by_govt” instead of the usual “ERR_Internet_Disconnected”.
credits: yahoo news

The biggest twist to the game is that it’s never over.

Whenever the player bumps into an obstacle “a game not over” sign comes up with an explanation to why the game’s NOT OVER.


The pixelated PM icon:
credits: yahoo news

[Play this game  “PM Cares Not Found” Game: ]

The “PM Cares Not found” game raises the issues of concern very interestingly, which the government of India is simply overlooking.
Note that the transparency of the PM cares fund has long been questioned by the members of the opposition, and the only reply they have from the PMO is that  PM Cares Fund is not a public authority under RTI act.


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