The craze of staying fit with a healthy body has increased a lot among people in the 21st century. Every other person is now seen to be joining gyms and working out for hours. However, some people still don’t have the time to work out for much longer hours.
HIITS is one of the works out that can be practised by all kinds of people. This new technique of work out is characteristic of an alternating between low and high-intensity intervals of exercise. However, different types of HIITS can be practised depending on the intensity of the exercise required.
According to the research, this practice of low volume HIITS is very beneficial for the heart. After looking into almost 11 studies, they have defined low volume HIIT as an exercise in which total time spent in active intervals (not including the breaks) was less than 15 minutes.

This is exercise has been proven effective in burning fat and also helpful in preventing diseases such as diabetes. It is also helping in reducing and balancing the blood pressure as well as improving the heart’s structure such as the chamber enlargement, which again is helping in the proper circulation of the blood throughout the body.
It has also been seen that people practising these exercises are successful in reducing adverse cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke by such as 30%. According to the World Health Organisation, adults need to perform 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75-150 minutes of vigorous exercise a week.

However, due to the lack of time people are not able to do so. Low volume HIIT is more time-efficient while offering similar or greater improvements in health outcomes as that of the longer workout.
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