A Place of Our Own, directed by Ektara Collective, and Manipuri film Our Home, directed by Romi Meitei Mayanglambam, have been chosen as the Indian films in the International Competition section for the 27th International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK), to be held in December this year. A committee headed by cinematographer Azhagappan also chose the seven films that would be part of the Indian Cinema Now section. The films to be screened under the section are Monjul Baruah’s Eyes on the Sunshine, Ananth Narayan Mahadevan’s The Storyteller, Anmol Sidhu’s Jaggi, Indrasis Acharya’s In the Mist, Sidharth Chauhan’s Amar Colony, Aman Sachdeva’s Opium and Atanu Ghosh’s The Last Page.