A lot of famous celebrities like singer Demi Lovato, news anchor Jane Pauley, comedian Russell Brand and actress Catherine Zeta-Jones have something in common. They all are suffering from Bipolar Disorder like millions of other people across the globe. Mental health is often neglected when it comes to sound health and a lot of people do not think that Bipolar Disorder is something to be worried about much or it is just a mood-dependent thing.

Here are 5 misconceptions that are believed to be true by the general masses but are not!
1. Bipolar Disorder is very rare
This is one of the commonest misconceptions that people have regarding this mental Disorder. In America alone, there are 2 million people who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
In fact, mental health is so affected in the United States that one in every five people suffers from some type of mental health condition.

2. Bipolar Disorder is just mood swings:
A lot of people believe that this mental disorder is not some type of mental illness but these are just random mood swings that anybody can experience anytime. But the fact is that the elevated and depressed symptoms of Bipolar Disorder are quite different from random mood swings. People with bipolar disorder experience extreme changes in energy, activity, and sleep that are not typical for them.
A lot of researchers say that just because you woke up happy in the morning, got grumpy in the middle of the day, and then went to bed with a happy face does not that you suffer from mental Disorder. Even if this happens a lot of times within a week, it is still indecisive.

3. There is only one type of Bipolar Disorder:
This is something even a lot of patients believes when they do not receive proper counseling. The fact is that there are four different types of mental disorders and they are classified on the basis of experiences by the individual. These are:
- Bipolar I
- Bipolar II
- Cyclothymia
- Bipolar Disorder otherwise not specified
4. Bipolar Disorder can be cured with the help of diet and exercise alone
This is due to the fact that there is a lot of information gap amongst the public regarding the treatment and mental illnesses. mental Disorder does not have any cure and the treatment is continued lifelong. However, this is not a matter of grave concern as it can be well-managed with drugs and behavioral therapy. By avoiding stress, and maintaining regular patterns of sleeping, eating, and exercise patients can experience less severe symptoms.

5. Mania can be productive
As in this mental Disorder person suffers from extreme emotions, a lot of people think that the transient high spirited condition, which is called mania, can be productive. In some cases, patients can feel happy in the beginning but without treatment, things can become detrimental and even terrifying.
People might go on a never-ending big shopping spree that would result in spending a lot more amount than they can afford. Some people become overly anxious or highly irritable; get upset over small and trivial things and end up bursting out on their loved ones. A manic person may lose control of their thoughts and actions and even lose touch with reality.
One in five people is diagnosed with a mental illness, including this mental Disorder. When followed with strict adherence, patients suffering from bipolar disorder can also lead a normal life like other people. It is important to look for signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder and get medical help immediately.
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Source: TheHealthcareDaily