Yet another trending news, social media forwards, followed by hashtags, pictures, and serious discussions, with a title, ‘yet another innocent raped !! ‘. We people of this generation have gotten used to this news so much so, that the day when we get to hear any such heart-wrenching incidents like this, it follows a typical cycle which goes like, The news becomes trending for a few days, people pity over it, in some cases candle marches are held and then…. What? They just forget about it as rapes has become a part of their daily news. We people have started accepting it as a new normal.
Nirbhaya, who might not know about her? The way she was gang-raped and murdered, people stood for her, spoke for her, yet she got her justice after 6 years in our country. According to, out of 1000 marriages, 13 divorce are held every year. The same country where on an average one rape is held every 14th minutes, still has strict rules for ‘Talaq Talaq Talaq’ but unfortunately not on rapes. As matters related to religion are considered above any other thing might it be related to anybody’s life. As religion makes you win seats in elections but strict laws against rape might make you lose one.
After the Nirbhaya gangrape and murder case in 2012, the national capital was shamed again with similar torture being meted out to a 12-year-old girl after she resisted her rapist.
The ghastly incident took place in Peera Garhi area of Paschim Vihar on Thursday. The girl was stabbed multiple times with a pair of scissors by the alleged rapist. The crime took place when the girl was alone at her home. The minor girl is now battling for life at the All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) in New Delhi. According to a report in Hindi daily Navbharat Times, police claim that the accused had scratch marks on his body which confirms that the girl resisted the rapist. According to police, the accused is a drug addict. The man also spent jail time in other criminal cases and was recently released on bail.

Instead of learning from our mistakes, we are moving towards taking inspiration from crimes. In a similar incident in 2012, a paramedical student was brutally gang-raped in a running bus by six men. The girl was later dubbed “Nirbhaya” meaning the fearless as she battled for many days and even gave her statement despite the severity of her injuries. She later died at a hospital in Singapore during treatment. The 12-year-old girl faced Nirbhaya like torture when she was stabbed multiple times with a pair of scissors at her home.
You must have heard people being afraid of needles as the syringe passes through one’s skin and causes pain, and now just think about that little girl who was stabbed badly with scissors and that too multiple times, thinking about even one per cent of pain, she might have gone through can surely bring you goosebumps. The report said that the girl has suffered serious injuries in her private parts and intestines. The girl also suffered fractures in the head and hips. Investigators claim that the girl fought the attacker until she fell unconscious.
Rapes happen, happen daily because we allow it to happen. We are living in the 21st century but still don’t know the meaning of consent, the difference between a girl and a toy, the difference between a rapist and a victim.
Society, our dearly society, never takes a step back in giving its judgment by saying ” ताली एक हाथ से नहीं बजती”, Clap does not ring with one hand. Basically, a girl is held responsible under a case of provocation, as what is the fault of the boy when the girl was herself ” ASKING FOR IT “. I mean how can anybody Ask a person to rape her? Who on this Earth does not want to feel loved? As Rape itself stands for against the will of a person. A few days back I heard a story about a girl who got raped as she was sitting topless in her garden. Anyone who heard it, didn’t fail to say “She was clearly asking for it” but the actual truth was, that the girl was a 3 years old kid.

While a rapist molests a victim physically, the society doesn’t fail to tear her up, mentally. The list of questions asked by people after hearing any rape case follows like: Was she wearing short clothes? Was she alone? Was she into boys too much? And the list goes on…. And that’s the harsh truth which we people have clearly adopted.
But it’s high time now, we all need to take a step, what are we even waiting for? For a rapist to come at your doorstep? Cause yes if this thing can happen to 3 years old, 6 years old, 12 years old or even 65 years old, then my dear friend this can happen with you or your sister or mother as well.
Be the change that you wish to see in the world
Let’s start by changing our mentality, by not blaming the victim but the rapist, by not saying “लड़का है, जाने दो”, he is a boy let him go, it’s in his behaviour but by saying We all are humans. Not by including this law “ताली एक हाथ से नहीं बजती” in every situation but by accepting laws too have exceptions. Let’s stop these monsters by making them accountable for what they have done, are doing and will continue to do if not stopped. Let’s ask for strict laws against them, and let’s not delay it any further cause ” आज नहीं तो कभी नहीं “, Today or never….