The digital market underwent a radical change from the moment cryptocurrencies were included as a means of exchange through the Blockchain platform to the point where it ceased to be an advertising market to become a financial one. Visit at:
A few years ago, hearing the term cryptocurrencies was extraordinary and alien to the idea of currencies that we have and, of course, are characterized by the traditional financial market.
Using a digital currency that cannot be touched, much less seen, only operate knowing that there is a financial market that indicates its valuation, where there is no regulatory entity, sounds incredible, right?
This new digital financial reality emerged ten years ago when Bitcoin arrived on the market, the first cryptocurrency or digital currency with which, according to its creator, the future money would be established to end inflation worldwide.
Many conflicting opinions arise around cryptocurrencies since investing and trading with them requires computer knowledge and being up to date with technology, but it is not essential.
Cryptocurrencies came to establish themselves as the future currencies due to the global financial crises and the most recent COVID 19 pandemic, which promoted their use and management.
That is why not only individuals but large corporations are allocating part of their capital to invest in these cryptographic projects to protect savings and revalue them over time.
The volatility of the cryptocurrency market and the risks also generate susceptibilities when investing in these financial instruments.
The crypto projects that currently exist

Cryptocurrencies are also considered digital money, with which many people carry out commercial transactions such as the purchase and sale of goods or services from one virtual wallet to another.
Its origin is unique and exclusively electronic. There are no physical bills or coins that represent them, as in the case of fiduciary currencies, but their transactions are registered in the public accounting book of the blockchain.
Among some of the most notorious cryptocurrencies we have:

- Bitcoin
- Ether
- BitcoinCash
- Litecoins
- ZCash
- Dash
- Cardan
- Ripple
- Sunshine
To name a few cryptocurrencies since more than 8,500 digital currencies have been created whose projects are entirely different from each other.
If you want to invest in cryptocurrencies, some of those shown as possible digital diamonds in the year 2022 are listed below.
- Bitcoin is the leading cryptocurrency, positioned by its users and whose market capitalization has increased notably year after year despite the volatility of the digital financial market.
- Ethereum: it is the cryptocurrency that brought with it an innovative proposal for the creation of smart contracts; its central design objective is to contribute to the development of decentralized applications; it could be considered a good option when investing in this type of digital financial instruments.
- Dogecoin: It is a cryptocurrency that arises from a meme, which does not make it very reliable, but its low cost is attractive to many and mainly makes them invest in this digital currency.
- Cardano: among its most attractive features are the speed of its operations and the security with which it can be operated, giving its users a high level of confidence since all their transactions are recorded quickly and decentralized.
- Binance Coin: a digital currency created by the most potent exchange platform that currently exists; it is helpful in the digital financial investment sector and is also being used as a form of payment in the acquisition of goods and services.
- Tether USDT: appear under the stablecoin classification, which allows investing based on the dollar’s value, which has generated great attraction towards it since its users consider that it will enable control of the volatility indices of the digital currency market.

The cryptocurrency market has not only generated a radical impact in the electronic marketing sector but also in the finance sector, where it has currently achieved unimaginable positions such as having a digital asset listed on the stock market.
Perhaps we still feel reluctant about the economic changes that are coming, but they are already a reality; digital currencies are making clear the technological and decentralized landscape that a new way of carrying out international transactions can mean for the world’s economies.
Before investing in the financial market of cryptocurrencies, it is necessary to analyze the market and define the appropriate digital assets that, depending on their movements, represent the best option to obtain high rates of return.