Air pollution has become one of the major cause of concerns for the people on the earth. The effects of this problem were quite visible on the people but according to the new research the foetus in the mother wombs is also likely to be affected by the air pollution
As per the studies, Infants mothers who were exposed to a higher level of air pollution during the time of pregnancy are much likely to develop the problem of asthma.
The source of the UFP’s includes vehicles and wood burners and this is present in sugar cube-sized volume in the air. The studies have helped to understand that the ultra-fine particles (UFP’s) which are present in the air are having a lot of impact on the foetuses.
This is also having an impact on the brain and developing cancer-like illness among the people. the researcher has suggested that the government authority needs to take good and faster action on these problems and to eliminate such dirty air.

“Our research is an important early step in building the evidence base that can lead to better monitoring of exposure to UFPs and ultimately to regulation,” said Prof Rosalind Wright, at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, and who led the research. “Childhood asthma remains a global epidemic that is likely to grow with the anticipated rise in particulate air pollution exposures due to effects of climate change.”
Wright said foetuses were especially vulnerable to the oxidative stress that pollution particles cause in body tissues: “Foetal development is exquisitely sensitive to anything that throws the oxidation balance out of whack.”
The problem of air pollution has already shown a lot of bad impacts on the foetuses by increasing the risk of premature birth and low birth weight and according to the 2019 studies, air pollution has also increased the risk of miscarriage among women.
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