Bungee Jumping
While if you ask why are this fame and love given to this sport, the reasons are numerous. While some embrace this for its heavenly experience, adrenaline rush, the free fall, and rebound. If you are a first-timer, it would be a meeting of death and life at the same time. It’s worth a try. Bungee jumping is a sport in which a person is allowed to jump from a great height, usually a cliff, tall buildings, crane, or from an aircraft while being tied via an elastic cord. The person jumps and reaches the lowest point while making the elastic cord taut which gives a rebound, throwing us to greater heights.

While its history takes us to an ancient era where it was named land diving of Pentecost island by residents of Vanuatu where young men proved their courage and manhood by jumping from tall platforms with vines tied to their ankles.
There are various derivatives of this sport. All have been rich in satisfying the main purpose of adventure. The derivatives arise due to limitations of space and equipment from region to region. These include the catapult, trampoline, running, ramp, and SCAD diving. Catapult jumping is also known as reverse bungee jumping. The jumper starts from the ground, the cord is stretched and the jumper is thrown into the air and then finally concluded by lowering the person to the ground. Trampoline is a combination of trampolining and bungee jumping. The jumper initiates the jump standing on a trampoline while connected to an elastic cord on either side of the trampoline and then thrown to a higher jump altogether. SCAD diving is similar to bungee jumping except for the fact that there are no cords connected this time. It’s a pure free-fall experience. The jumper jumps from a tall height and lands onto a net following free fall.

Generally, youngsters are spotted trying this sport. while there remains a risk of injury regardless of how strong your safety measures are. A mishap can happen due to miscalculated cord length, failure of a safety harness, etc. Regardless of its history of injuries, people around the world embrace this sport to their souls and catch up on these sites for their vacations.
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Source: TheAdventureDaily