The number of coronavirus infection is increasing exponentially in India, even when the test rate is not up to the mark. The country currently has 37,916 active cases.
AIIMS director Randeep Guleria has made a big statement according to data released by experts seeing the current increasing trend Dr. Guleria said that the cases are likely to peak in months of June -July.
“While predictions vary from May to August and keep changing depending on parameters used according to modelling data and the way our cases are increasing currently, it is likely that our case peak can come in June and July. There are many variables to this and an exact prediction isn’t possible,” said Dr. Guleria, on Wednesday.
He also added: “The next four to six weeks will be very, very important because the lockdown cannot be there forever, the focus now should be to identify spots that are showing a spike in cases and turn them into containment zones”.
The statement made by Dr. Guleria is likely to be an alarm for the authorities to pull up their socks and to be ready for the new challenges.
Currently, updated data says: India’s count of COVID-19 cases on Friday rose to 56,342 including 1,886 deaths, according to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
Currently, there are 37,916 active cases while 16,539 COVID-19 positive patients have been cured/discharged and one has migrated. (ANI)