In this era where social media has become a war place, Feminism is growing negatively. This term FEMINISM was manifested in West and then adopted by the whole world.

More often we read, feminism means equality. But reality lies here that we, as a society are not equal. Prejudice, stereotypes, injustice, and more such ill words still exist. In short: Equality is yet to be achieved.

In a time of a deadly virus prevailing all over, there are many unwanted viruses that are popping up, which take no time in opening their court, to be a judge and then, in passing a result.

When the Government of India allegedly arrested a pregnant women, Zafoora, who raised her voice against the fascist law CAA and NPR, half of the social media scholars started questioning her character. Hundreds of memes were shared, she was calling her names we couldn’t even mention! This is our new India.

Now you must be thinking of ‘Boislockerroom’. This has also become a new topic to play blame game over. But here is a darker truth, almost every girl has received a message asking for her nudes, threatening her for pictures, asking for sex and so on so forth. Usually, women ignore such creep messages thinking it’s normal,or may be talking about these incidents is a waste of time, but we as a society have to take serious actions now and stop normalizing it

When a woman try to raise her voice against patriarchal society, many people including the women race itself, surround her saying, ‘not every men’. Now these three word explain some ugly realities about this mankind like;

We are not ready to accept the flaws and misdeed in the name of ‘not every men’.

 We will continue to hide such ill steps in the name of ‘not every men’.

We will remind the other gender that whatever happens, men will be on the top in the name of ‘men will be men’.

We will stay silent in the name of ‘men will be men’.

Recently a news circulated where, a boy of merely 16 years, named Manav got falsely accused of rape. Social media started judging and after many threat calls and pressure, he committed sucide. This act shows that how irresponsible we are!

After his death, a new social message came out saying,” ladki hoti to sbke hath me candle hota, ladka tha isliye jaane diya.” Here in comparison, we loose everything in the fight against falsehood. We as a society must grow up in order to reach that famously called ‘equality’.

At a time when feminism is more obviously needed, it is shameful seeing fake and politicised feminism. Also, as a result of this the word which sounded cool earlier, now men and women are ashamed of accepting I am feminist. Eventually, every coin has two faces.

Well, we all know, every religion has given equal opportunity to all their mankind. It is only the extremists who for their own propaganda change the whole theory. There were some ridiculous traditions in the past which led to the oppression of women and some are still being followed. We have read about the geart Scholar and society reformer, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, who abolished the evil practise prevailing in our society. And this present scenario need it too. Today’s reformation being controlling crimes against women. Stopping the eve teasing and online harassment, which every single woman has to face in their life many times. The rape culture has to have a harsh and instant punishment for the rapists. Reformation of the society so that every woman feels safe, be in her home or outside it. Reformation is the need of the hour. As we say, some rules and traditions are made to break. Women and men, being two strength pillars of the society need equal treatment and chances in every prospective of life. In God’s eyes, everyone is equal, be it men or women.

“Life is not a competition between men and women, it is a collaboration.”- David Alejandro Fearnhead

In collaboration, we need support not leg pulling.

Womenhood, feminism, equality, justice are more popular than ever, but actually women achieve nothing in a society at large. This many sounds pessimistic but this is the underneath truth.


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