How Can We Reduce Our Impact On The Climate Change

In April 1970, approximately 20 million Americans protested for a sustainable and healthy environment. This brought forth what we now call "Earth day" on the 22nd of April every year. But why exactly do we need to live a sustainable and healthy lifestyle? the answer is simple: to prevent climate change.

Future Kind

This includes global warming resulting from an increase in the emission of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other causes of pollution. Global warming then refers to an overall increase in temperature around the world.

So how can we, as individuals, try to prevent our carbon footprint and live more sustainably? Below are a few tips on sustainability and better living.

1. Upcycle your furniture

This can be done by recycling certain items you want to use or just repurposing your old furniture.  You can also buy second-hand furniture from Charity stores to sustainably decorate your home.

How Can We Reduce Our Impact On The Climate Change

2. Recycle your clothes/buy second-hand

The fast fashion industry has to be one of the most wasteful industries and the environmental cost to produce and distribute new clothing is ridiculous.

Green America

The best alternative to this is to buy second-hand clothes yourself and to recycle your own gently worn clothes by either selling them yourself or giving them over to companies or stores that sell them regularly.

3. Unplug your electronic devices when you aren’t using them

Despite the fact that your electronic device is switched off, it can still be drawing power and even more so on “sleep mode.”

Shipley Energy


4. Save water

This is one of the things we’ve been hearing since we were children but the importance of it is still very much existent.


Managing your water and paying attention to every drop allows your city to be more resilient during natural disasters, storms, and droughts and it also saves energy. If affordable, you can get a rain barrel or rain garden to collect and purify water for you.

5. Dry your clothes by hanging them instead of using a dryer

This can reduce carbon dioxide output.


6. Reduce food waste

Canned Food Alliance

7. Abstain from drinking bottled water

Most landfills already contain a myriad of plastic bottles and the number of oil barrels used to manufacture these bottles are alarmingly high.

The List

Furthermore, it takes almost a thousand years for most of these bottles to biodegrade.

8. Start composting

This creates rich soil, generates energy from methane, and reduces the money spent on transporting organic waste to landfills.

Gardening You Know

The best thing about this? it can be done with any lawn clippings and food waste.

9. Walk instead of using a car

Not only is this good for your health but it also reduces pollution caused by other transportation forms.

Curly Tales

10. Calculate your carbon footprint

This can be done online and helps you determine your own individual need to start living sustainably.

Green Resources Consulting

11. Check your gas cap

If this is cracked or broken, it can cause gas to leak out in the form of vapor, harming the environment.

Your Mechanic

12. Take your own shopping bags

We all know how damaging plastic is to our environment and most of this plastic comes into our homes because of shopping bags.

West Sound Magazine

Instead, take your reusable shopping bags the next time you need to buy anything.

13. Plant a tree

Vintage Tree Care

14. Switch to shampoo bars

This avoids the plethora of unwanted and environmentally harmful plastic bottles and chemicals we usually get along with our shampoo.


15. Start using a bamboo toothbrush

Above are just 15 of the things you could do to reduce your carbon footprint as an individual.  However, there are a hundred other ways to save the environment and it is all a search away.


We may not be here to witness the damage we are causing, but our future generations will. Do your part in making the world a better place for them.



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