Self-improvement is the master key to your brains mental lock. In these circumstances, books are something, one can confide in. They’ll show you an enlightened path in the sheer darkness of your mind and will help you cope with your problems and situations of utter distress with patience.
Here are the top 10 Self-Help books you should dwell your brain into:-
1. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Having sold about sixty-five million copies worldwide, the classic fiction book – The Alchemist – by author Paulo Coelho, is a whole package of a life-changing experience. The book guides the reader through thick and thin arguments in life and gives a vision about what to become in the future. The reader’s mind identifies itself with that of the main character- Santiago, on the way to discover the real personality. It is at the top of our recommendations of self-help books.
2. The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R. Covey

The book, as the title suggests, is a renowned classic based on the emotional essence of the habits people have and their impact on others with regard to an undertone filled with integrity and fairness as the right path towards success. The book brings an insight into the basic qualities of honesty and fairness in a world guided by virtues of greed and shortcuts.
3. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

It is a renowned spiritual book which deals with the principle of transformation of the world on various virtues. The book claims the transformation of an individual inside out as the first step towards the betterment of the society, and ultimately, the world, which will serve the individual, his/her entire life.
4. Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki

The book serves as a contrast between two extremes of financial literacy, which is quite evident in real life as well. The book teaches an individual to be happy with the limited resources he/she has and consider them to be enough. The book serves an insight into the management of finances along with more valuable lessons.
5. How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie

For all the introvert loners out there, this book is a hot potato to read! This book serves as an excellent opportunity to get the trick of interaction with people and the fact that communication is a very important aspect in life as well as with regard to the areas of opportunities in future. The way you communicate decides how you are and your personality is framed by the way you speak.
6. Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill

The author, Napoleon Hill, researched on several successful figures of his time, for twenty years and then clubbed his conclusions in a single book. The key takeaway of the book is that the power from within to do something great in life and be a better person forces an individual to give his/her best to achieve the purpose which he/she is meant to satisfy.
7. What To Say When You Talk To Your Self by Dr Shad Helmstetter

The book is the key associated with the mastering of the inner self- talks. What an individual thinks of himself is a very important psychological aspect. The book transforms our inner dialogues which influence the decision making faculty of our mind. An Individual’s inner dialogue is usually negative and self-destructive and thus the book is a wave of optimism towards our inner self and teaches an individual to believe in himself.
8. The Power Of Positive Thinking by Dr Norman Vincent Peale

Having an optimistic mind is the basic mantra to survive happily and peacefully because our life is not worth the amount of tension our mind gives us. All of the distress we have today will make no sense at some other day and thus dealing with it positively requires a positive mind with a positive outlook enriched with self-confidence. It is one of the most wonderful self-help books.
9. The Magic Of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

The Magic of Thinking Big is a very entertaining optimistic book which teaches the readers, not to undermine or underestimate their lives and aim for big things, even if you are not sure of catching your target. Aiming big with a positive outlook helps a lot further in life and changes the result thereby giving a wave of success.
10. Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins

The book is all about invoking self-confidence and motivating an individual to work towards his/her goals, relationships and finances. The book serves an excellent vision into the changes one can make in oneself in order to progress well by reading the best advice given in it.
Read these Self-Help books whenever you feel low! They will surely help you cope with your stress!
Buy Self-Help Books Now:
1. The Alchemist
2. The 7 habits of highly effective people
3. The Power of Now
4. Rich Dad, Poor Dad
5. How to win friends and influence people
6. Think and grow rich
7. What To Say When You Talk To Your Self
8. The Power Of Positive Thinking
9. The Magic Of Thinking Big
10. Awaken the Giant Within
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