Tech Education: Fault line in the age of corona

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Recent times are very exciting and experimenting for technology and education. Online classes are quite fun for some people and not less than a nightmare for others. It’s not the same routine classes attended by the prescribed number of teachers and students.

It’s funny and interesting at the same time that your teacher might be imparting education to your family members too. Indian society lives in very close association with families so it’s inevitable to get away with the fact that parents are also refreshing their education in this lockdown period. Haven’t we seen photos or videos where parents are sitting next to their child to bring their focus in the class and also, getting acquainted with the knowledge imparted to their children?

According to Mr. Rohit, a CA by profession said, “In my neighbourhood, there is a girl who studies in class 10th and during the classes, her mother sits with her gaining knowledge from the teachers.”

Tech Education has also made a realization of our shortcomings in the education system and how we as a country and a system, lack behind in providing education in this time of crisis. Forget quality education, getting basic education is the new fault line in the age of corona.

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Some reasons why online education isn’t a solution for our country:

Underprivileged students: As per data available, there are more than 28% of students who are
deprived of technological gadgets and required necessities like smartphones, laptops,
a stable internet connection,  let alone WiFi. There are so many students who live in a 1-room set with their whole family, where attending classes and focusing on it is really challenging.
Experiential knowledge: There are some subjects that could not be taught online because
the electronic medium does not permit the best method of instruction. Examples include:
hands-on subjects such as public speaking, surgery, dental hygiene, and sports. Though there
is a huge benefit of online classes in the present Corona time, but there is a lot to discover in this domain from scratch. So that practicality of the online classes can be attained.
Lack of skills in teachers to take online classes: There are a lot of issues around teacher’s tech skills. Although we know that teachers are really trying their best to educate the students
and trying different methods to take online classes but their hesitation and lack of skills
affect the class and the learning. A lot of things changed very quickly, longevity of campus
closure extended pressure on the technology and use of different devices by students.- Psychosocial pressure on students: Students too are going through psychosocial changes
and stress like the fear of COVID-19. No proper knowledge about the same, Not been able to
see friends, being at home for such a long time, and many others. They also feel pressurized
and in a constant need to showcase the best devices and technology to their classmates.
Lack of peer support: As students, teachers, and parents alike muddle to adapt to virtual
classes in the new normal, many are experiencing the counterblast of digital fatigue. They
are missing friends and chatting with them about their schedules like the old days.
Other major issues: The funny part about these online platforms as it is easy for students to
make illogical excuses to get away with online classes. Being in the comfort of their home
means that the wrath of the teacher can also be avoided. They just get up second before the
class and join it for the sake of it. Battery issues act as an arsenal of excuses students are adding to their repertoire. Several students while attending their classes make funny and sometimes amusing voices because of certain measures of anonymity.

The overall experience of online classes is new to children and teachers. They are all also
exploring this area. Though some feel online education is not appropriate for younger students (i.e. elementary or secondary school age) and other students who are dependent learners and have difficulty assuming responsibilities required by the online paradigm. It is a golden opportunity to figure out ways of teaching and learning at variance but regrettably, most teachers and schools are without facilities to completely and seamlessly transfer to the virtual space right now.

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