“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.”- Dalai Lama
Around the world, people have grown up with local stories of fictional heroes, from folktales to fantasies to epics. The real-life humanitarians didn’t appear in those stories, but they have always been there during times of need. They painstakingly put all their efforts into saving lives like real heroes. As aid-workers, doctors and nurses continue to face unprecedented challenges today, in assisting people during these times of utter distress and humanitarian crisis; 54 countries, in addition to 9 countries which have been catapulted into humanitarian need by the COVID-19 pandemic.

So isn’t it our responsibility to celebrate and show reverence towards the people who put their lives on stake for our good? On 19th August every year, World Humanitarian Day(WHD) is celebrated for the same reason, to celebrate humanity and incomparable bravery.

World Humanitarian Day is celebrated internationally to recognize humanitarian personnel who lost their lives working for humanitarian causes and who work for the betterment of the world. It was celebrated for the first time in 2009 August 19th; designated by the United Nations General Assembly for the Strengthening of Coordination of Emergency Assistance of the United Nations. It fundamentally marks the day on which the then Special Representative of the Secretary-General to Iraq, Sérgio Vieira de Mello, and 21 of his colleagues were killed in the bomb attack on Canal Hotel in Baghdad in 2003.
Such attacks by terrorists or by enemy countries, for satisfying their motives destroy the roots of humanity. In recent times, several Arab countries like Syria, Yemen, and Palestine have been constantly under attacks and the people over the world don’t even speak about them as if they don’t even exist. But there are people who are working for them and often have to pay their lives as a price for the same.

According to the UN, in 2019 483 aid workers were attacked: 125 were killed, 234 were wounded and 124 were kidnapped in a total of 277 separate incidents. Most of these attacks occurred in Syria, followed by South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan, Central African Republic (CAR), Yemen, and Mali.WHO reported 1,009 attacks against health-care workers and facilities, resulting in around 199 deaths and 628 injuries. But even after such inhuman acts, some people strive relentlessly to help others and they are rightfully called ‘Real Life Heroes’.

Yet we see instances of people targeting doctors and philanthropists even in this time of crisis. The doctors and other health workers who are working intransigently to defeat this pandemic, who are sacrificing everything, even their lives in some cases. They have to stay away from their families and loved ones for such long periods. The people who courageously work in countries where life is damaged to the roots, people who fight against disasters, who are often not even recognized by bothers. These people are Real Heroes of the present times.

#RealLifeHeroes global campaign was recently launched by the UN to celebrate the 11th World Humanitarian Day. It aims to pay a special tribute to the real-life heroes who have dedicated their lives to help others in extreme circumstances throughout the world. The campaign focuses on what drives them to continue to save and protect the lives of others despite conflicts, insecurities, and various links to COVID-19.
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”- Mother Theresa
In such trying times where most of the countries are facing a humanitarian crisis, the need to recognize and appreciate the courageous, selfless efforts of these people becomes even more necessary. Even common people should learn from the efforts of these people. It is a common saying that “Humanity is the greatest religion of all”. Every religion preaches humanity, peace, and love that is why no religion is higher than humanity.
People love, and admire the great humanitarian leaders like Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Harriet Tubman…. the list goes on. But, to what extent do we inculcate their compassion and love? Even a person who has nothing can help others through his/her actions. We should know that even the smallest actions count. If a person helps five persons and shows compassion towards them, they too would do the same after getting inspired by the kindness shown to them. A happy society comes into existence through individual actions only. So let’s contribute our bit to the society by kindness and compassion towards others to make this world a better and happy place, and let our humanity shine.
“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”- Mahatma Gandhi