I have never let my schooling interfere with my education – Mark Twain
Imagine our schools being the one in which every class has around 30-35 students with a spacious room and we don’t have a row every five minutes with our bench mates about the dropping down of our bags and where teachers don’t shoot daggers every time we are conversing with the opposite gender and where we don’t have to exhaust hours to jot down 50 pages from our book so that our teachers can blemish it by a tick in a single second and deduct 1 mark because we didn’t draw the diagrams and where teachers interact with us and make the whole aura interesting and curious instead of reminding us every second that it’s because of the new rule passed banning the corporal punishment that we are all spared.

With schools being closed, friends are the only straw that makes us long for school. Do we want to go back so that our teachers can start blabbering from 7 am to 1 pm and in recess, they can stand on every staircase and corner lest we are planning something gigantic in a school which doesn’t even have adequate equipment in labs? Yeah, for sure. Every child envisages school as a place to learn new and innovative things. Where his curious mind will nourish and flourish and where he can discuss and gain some practical knowledge as well. If it was a place with less zeal on regimentation and more on forging it as an interactive locus all of us would be bawling our eyes out and praying for the reopening of our schools.
Here are some problematic things in our school and education-
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