A 43 year old woman cop who served for Maharashtra Government Railway Police (GRP) for 16 years, was dismissed from her post last month for holding the collar of her senior officer who she alleged has passed an inappropriate remarks that outranged her modesty after she asked for leave to visit a gynaecologist.
On December 7, the woman reached the police station and filed a complaint against the superior officer, Reserve Sub-Inspector (RSI) Sharad Koli after being dismissed from the department.
The Pant Nagar police has registered an FIR against Sharad Koli, senior officer under section 509 (word, gesture or act intended to outrange the modesty of a woman) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). Although, arrest are yet to be made.
The woman said in an interview to the Indian Express that “on July 22nd, I approached Koli seeking leave to visit to a gynaecologist for an ailment then he however made a remark that left me shaken. All night I kept thinking how he could say such a thing to me. I then decided to confront him”.
She also added that the next day, she asked him why he said such a thing to her. Then he laughed and asked her what she was talking about, this enraged her further and made her to hold his collar. Then she subsequently lost her consciousness and had to be admitted in hospital by her colleagues.
On July 23 midnight, she approached GRP Commissioner Ravindra Sengaonkar by sending a message to describe him the whole incident which happened with her. After that an inquiry was ordered, she was shifted to the control room. She was subsequently dismissed from her post last month on November 31.
Sengaonkar said that the inquiry established that she had held her senior officer’s collar. It sends a wrong message in a uniformed disciplined force and is why he decided to dismiss her.
He also added that, yet there is no evidence of any such comment being made. It appears that she made it up as an afterthought to save herself after having held his collar.
In reply to all the allegations Koli said that “Allegations against me are false. She got back at me because I did not give her the duty she wanted. People, who are unhappy with the duties I assign, send such letters against me”.
The woman said that no one was willing to come forward to support her although Koli made that remark in front of a few women cop. “Now that they have dismissed me, who will dare to come forward?” as she asked.
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