The platform is loaded with pictures of joys, achievements, fun, and of course, touring there lies behind-the-scenes which are not that exquisite and fascinating to watch. The platform which was built to bring the human race closer all across the world and an escape from the regional judgemental society is now being merely used as a functional “aesthetic show-off” platform. Yes, today we will unwrap the threads of fake social media life and the impact on self-love.

Unrealistic Beauty Standards
As soon as you open your Facebook or Instagram account, you will witness the picturesque photos of people posing with spotless skin, plumper lips, and hard to achieve body proportions which will make you mumble, “I wish I could look like them”. If you feel the same then you are not alone in this, it’s okay to feel a certain way, and it’s the human tendency to constantly compare themselves with others but what is okay is to fall into the rabbit hole of the silicon and supplement induced fake world.

Do you know that plastic surgery is ranked as the highest-paid medical speciality?
And the simplified answer to this question is because of Insecurities.
People who were meant to capture the beauty of the moments forgot to embrace the beauty of ourselves and the grace of imperfections while following the so-called trend of #fitness_goals because of these various platforms.
Passive and Depressed Generation
As technology is dominating the globe for the comfort of the human race, the issues of unproductivity and inactivity are also surging, especially in the newer generation called Gen Z. The desire for instant dopamine is striking them to stay indoors and scroll down the feed for hours rather than to enrol in outdoor activities.
Furthermore, the research performed on 143 students from the University of Pennsylvania, shows the direct link of increased social media usage with deteriorating mental health. The study revealed that mental health issues like depression, social anxiety, attention deficiency, irregular sleep patterns, and sleep paralysis, are witnessed in people who use social media for prolonged screen time.
Fake it until you make it
Fake it until you make it, the tendency of the users is the core reason behind the FOMO (fear of missing out) that introverts usually suffer from. They believe that others are having the time of their lives while they sit on the couch, liking the pictures posted by them. This constant comparison eventually makes them pessimistic, biased, and unhappy which results in Change in Behavioral Patterns, Self Hatred, Imposter syndrome, Anhedonia (a major sign of depression where a person loses interest in anything once they truly liked), etc. Multiple celebrities and supermodels have come forward for public awareness regarding this topic and how not to get fooled by the catfishing filters and the blessings of social media.

Privacy is rare these days
Those who left the Internet community called out the users for their oversharing habits and not keeping anything whatsoever private. The trend of “show it all” is not exclusively disturbing, but also an indication of loneliness when viewed psychologically.
Moreover, the Invasion of privacy by the stakeholders is another alarming aspect of social media.
Remember! This is your time to disconnect from an easily accessible yet sad social media life and connect with your surroundings.
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