While the Ram Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya was a source of contention in the last Uttar Pradesh (UP) state election, the Krishna Janmabhoomi in Mathura has begun to dominate the next 2022 UP assembly election. The construction of a huge Ram temple in Ayodhya was a prominent platform of the BJP in both the 2017 Uttar Pradesh assembly and the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. Each election was won by the BJP. The Supreme Court’s decision in favour of Ram Janmabhoomi on November 9, 2019, validated the occasion’s position.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will lay the foundation stone for a “grand” Ram temple in Ayodhya on August 5, 2020. With that, a significant electoral worry, which has been mentioned in every BJP ballot platform for a long time, was addressed.
On December 13, Prime Minister Narendra Modi opened the Kashi Vishwanath Dham, a refurbished temple in his Lok Sabha constituency of Varanasi.
Since then, PM Modi and UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath have emphasized the BJP’s accomplishment by honouring its devotion to Ayodhya and Kashi at most of their public rallies in UP. The attention of the UP election has shifted to Mathura.
Yogi Adityanath mentioned Mathura and Vrindavan in western Uttar Pradesh for the first time during a public event in Amroha on December 29. “We had pledged to begin building on a big Ram temple in Ayodhya,” he said. Modi Ji has already begun work on the project. Isn’t that right? Kashi is constructing a huge Vishwanath temple. How can Mathura and Vrindavan possibly be left behind?”
The CM went on to say, “Work has also begun on a considerable basis there” (Mathura). “We established the Brij Teerth Vikas Parishad and have begun to provide new impetus to the effort in Mathura and Vrindavan,” he announced, to applause from the audience.
Akhilesh Yadav and Yogi Adityanath clashed over Mathura on January 3. “The route to Ram Rajya is through the path of samajwad,” he declared during a news conference in Lucknow (socialism). “Ram Rajya” would be formed in the state the day samajwad is founded.”
“Lord Sri Krishna comes to my dreams every night to inform me that our government is rising up (in UP),” he added. Yogi Adityanath responded and poked fun at Akhilesh Yadav. In two public rallies on Tuesday, he stated, “Today, when this project is launched, some people in Lucknow would be dreaming of Lord Krishna.” He (Lord Krishna) would advise them to mourn over their inefficiency and that the BJP administration had completed the task that they couldn’t. Lord Krishna would be punishing them now for doing nothing for (the Lord Krishna-related locations of Mathura, Vrindavan, Barsana, Gokul, and Baldev).”
Why is Mathura important now?
Both the BJP and the SP have motives for raking up Mathura so close to the UP assembly poll.
Yadavs, who make up around 10% of UP’s population of 24 million, are typically considered SP supporters. Furthermore, according to Hindu tradition, the Yadavs are descended from Lord Krishna, who was a Yaduvanshi. As a result, by raking up Mathura, the BJP hopes to wean Yadav voters away from the SP and further consolidate Hindus. SP, on the other hand, is working hard to maintain its Yadav voters. The battle between the BJP and the SP has just begun. It is certain to get more fervent in the coming days as the election approaches.
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