The Modi government has stressed the need for skill development in India. According to a report, the number of graduates is high in India.
But, they are unable to take up jobs and reduce the problem of unemployment in India because they lack the need for skill. The graduated sector of India is not completely skilled. On the other hand, the issue in progressing the concept of skill in India is that there is no formal recognition of the informally self-learned sector.
The informally self-learned sector of India has achieved a high momentum and there are detailed reasons for it. The large youth population group of India needs proper skill and expertise rather than basic degrees. This is the only way to improve their chances of employment not just in India, but even abroad.

In the developed nation of France, a January 2021 report concluded that from the onset of the academic year, half of the working population was considering shifting jobs.
Among them, 1626 workers above the age of 18 took part in it and the result was that they agreed that vocational training is important for a stable job and future. Nearly 42% of the people were stressed over the rate of modifications and developments in their profession.
They even agreed that they would need expert guidance and training to continue their employability. 48% of respondents also decided to undergo training in a year for vocational learning and even try out career transition.

India has a big lot of self-learners that are competent in producing entrepreneurs. But, the complications in India’s demography and economy require a planned and detailed approach. There is a need to establish productive links between industries and educational organizations.
It is required to make sure that the students learn about the insights and demands of various vocations and skills important in their sector.
There is a big gap between theoretical and practical learning in India. The students leave colleges and universities with a degree in science, commerce, or arts and they don’t know anything about industrial needs and knowledge application. They find it difficult to cater to the increasing demands of a job.

Initial vocational training will give clarity about their industry and set a stage for learning more advanced technical and practical skills.
The current system also does not identify or encourage the unique abilities of students. In this case, career and technical education-based vocational education shall play a role.
The world is developing at a fast rate. It will need an unconventional workforce and Indian youth can fulfil this need by teaching skills to the youth. These skills shall include vocational training and skill development in Healthcare, banking, finance, trade, tourism, retail management, computer technology, hospitality, and traditional crafts.

The world has increased demand for computer experts, nuclear specialists, web developers, fashion designers, and India can make use of this opportunity by starting to prepare its youth. It does not mean that conventional learning is of no use.
Along with the practical skills, there is a need for appreciation, developing empathy and an appreciation of human values and arts has its distinct significance.
The developing models of education need to achieve a sensitive way of teaching. Modern skill education is important for employment but the importance of character development and making students responsible citizens is essential.

Skilled education will improve the quality of life of students by making them financially stable. There is a need to improve the equality in skilled education to make sure that even the unprivileged section of society can earn decently.
This will make India financially stable and improve the pace of development in India providing ample employment.